Topic 1: Earth, Moon And Sun Flashcards
What’s the equator?
a line notionally drawn on the earth equidistant from the poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres and constituting the parallel of latitude 0°.
What’s latitude?
The position of how far north or south you are from the equator
What’s longitude?
The position of how Far East or west you are from the prime meridian (which runs through Grenich)
What are the poles?
where the earths axis of rotation intersects its surface.
What is the horizon?
The point where the earths surface and sky appear to meet
What is a meridian?
a circle of constant longitude passing through a given place on the earth’s surface and the terrestrial poles. Eg the prime meridian (passes through Grenich)
What’s the zenith?
The point directly/ 90degrees above the observer
What’s the photosphere average temp?
What’s the coronas average temp?
2 millionk
How long is a solar day?
24hours- time for sun to reach its highest point and then reach it agian the following day
How long is a sidereal day?
23 56mins - time for it to spin 360degrees, it’s shorter Becuase the earth is moving round to it turns while it’s moving kind of thing
How do I work out my mean solar time?
Mean solar time= apparent solar time(time of day based where sun is) - EOT value (correction based on date)
What’s a solar eclipse?
Solar eclipses can only occur during a new Moon, when the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun and the three celestial bodies form a straight line: Earth - Moon - Sun.
What are the 3 types of solar eclipses?
Partial- moon partly covers sun
Annular-when moon too far away to cover all of sun but aligned well- leaves a small ring of sun to see
Total- everything it correct distance for sun to be covered completely by moon
What’s a lunar eclipse?
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and blocks the Sun’s rays from directly reaching the Moon. Lunar eclipses only happen at full Moon.
What are the three types of lunar eclipse???
A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth’s umbra – the central, dark part of its shadow – obscures all of the Moon’s visible surface.
A partial lunar eclipse can be observed when only part of the Moon’s visible surface is red looking by the Earth’s umbra
A penumbral lunar eclipse happens when the Moon travels through the faint penumbral portion of the Earth’s surface
Why is the sky blue?
Ultra violet and blue wave lengths are the shortest so they hit more oxygen and nitrogen particles in our atmosphere - so we can see them, we don’t detect ultraviolet even due to our eyes so in some animals that can it could be purple?