Topic 1 couples Flashcards
Define the Domestic division of labour
the roles that men and women play in relation to housework, childcare and paid work.
Parsons - Instrumental and expressive roles
How does parsons describe the roles of men and women at home? what are they based on?
men and women are biologically suited to these roles
Parsons - Instrumental and expressive roles
What is the role of the husband?
What is the role of the wife?
- Husband = Instrumental role. This means the husband focuses on providing for the family financially. He is the breadwinner
- Wife = Expressive role. This means the wife is focused on the primary socialisation of children. She is the homemaker.
Parsons – Instrumental and expressive roles
What would feminists argue about Parson’s theory on roles in the family?
It’s a sexist concept, woman live in a patriarchal society, they want women to be independent and not to soley rely on men.
Bott- Conjugal roles
what are conjugal roles?
the roles played by the husband and wife
* segregated comjugal roles
* joint conjugal roles
- Segregated conjugal roles = where the couple have separate roles, as in Parsons’ instrumental and expressive roles. Their leisure activities also tend to be separate.
- Joint conjugal roles = where the couple share tasks such as housework and childcare and spend their leisure time together.
Young and Willmott - symmetrical family
How do Y&W describe the roles of men and women at home?
family life is gradually becoming more equal for all its members.
Y&W Symmetrical fam.
- Where is the symmetrical family commonly found?
- What are the features of a symmetrical family?
- Young couples ( 30 and below) they accept that conjugal roles dont have to be distinct
- Joint con. roles = women out to work and men hekp with housework and childcare. + couples spend more time together instead of separate.
Y&w Symmetrical family
What social changes have encouraged more symmetrical families?
- Changes in women’s position – more women working
- Geographical mobility – couples living away from their communities
3.New technology and labour saving devices - Higher standards of living
Fem. view on the housework
Why do they reject the M.O.P view?
- Men and women are still unequal in the family
- Women still do most of the housework
- Family and society are still patriarchal
- Women remain in a subordinate position
Why is she critical of Y&W?
- Their claims are exaggerated
- Evidence of husbands helping once a week is not convincing of symmetry
- In her own research, Oakley found that 15% of husbands helped with housework and 25% helped with childcare.
- She found that husbands ‘cherry pick’ the tasks that are most pleasurable for them.
Warde and Hetherington - explain what’s meant by ‘sex-typing’ of domestic task. Give examples
- Found evidence of sex typing of domestic tasks- women more likely to do washing up, men more likely to wash the car
- men would carry out ‘female’ tasks when they weren’t there to do it for them
- A03 - Everyone has different levels of contribution to the fam. as in no one can quantify how much is a lot or not enough because everyone’s scale of work is different
Boulton - what evidence has she found to couter argue Y&W’s view?
- Less than 20% of husbands helped with childcare
- Young and Willmott exaggerate how much husbands contribute
- Mothers still have more responsibility
M.O.P View - all prove families are becoming equal
What is Y&W’s argument?
- Greater involvement of women in paid work has led to an equal division of labour at home
- Men are becoming more involved in housework and childcare
M.O.P View - all prove families are becoming equal
What is Gershuny’s argument?
His study showed that women who are working outside the home did less domestic work than other women
M.O.P View - all prove families are becoming equal
What does the British social attitudes survey find?
Found a decline in the amount of people who think it’s a man’s job to earn money and a woman’s job to looka after the house and family
M.O.P View - all prove families are becoming equal
What is sullivan’s argument?
- Analysed national data and found a trend towards women doing less domestic work and men doing more
- Showed that more couples have an equal division of labour