Topic 1 Flashcards
Give 3 points about being ill in medieval times:
- towns were more deadly places to live.- only the rich could afford to see a doctor.- life was nasty, hard and short.
Give 2 examples of herbal remedies that were believed to work:
- to treat asthma, swallow young frogs.- to treat ringworm, wash your hair with males urine.
Give 2 examples of effective medical care before medieval times:
- skull trepanning , removed a piece of skull which helped to relieve pressure on brain.- raman, good sanitation.
Why were muslim writers important to western medicine?
Because they played an important role in saving much of lost knowledge and translating the works of ancient greece and rome into arabic.
Who was Avicenna (Ibn Sina)?
One of the most celebrated philosophers and physicians in the early islamic empire. He wrote many texts on a wide range of subjects.
Why are Avicenna’s writings so important?Give examples.
Because 40 of his medical texts have survived. The important ones “The book of healing” and “cannon of medicine” were used to train doctors into the 1700’s.
What were Islamic hospitals like? (3)
- they were states of medical education as well as healing.- trained students there.- clean.
What was Hippocrates main theory? (460 - 370)
The idea that your body is made of blood (air), yellow bile (fire), black bile (earth) and phlegm (water).
How did Hippocrates believe people should be cured?
To keep the 4 humours in balance. Different foods and seasons could affect them so it was important to do all things in moderation to keep things balanced.
Why was Hippocrates considered to be the father of modern medicine?
Because his princable was “do not harm” and his basis is still used - Hippocrate Oath is an oath used to make the doctors promise to only do what is best. Also, his idea of a balanced lifestyle is used.
Hippocrates was…
Galen was…
How did Galen (130 - 210 AD) arrive in Europe?
Via islamic texts and beliefs.
How was Galen trained? (3)
He studied medicine in Egypt before moving to Rome then took Hippocrates oath further. He practised dissection on animals in order to better understand the human body. Worked for 3 years as a doctor in a gladiatior school.
Why did Galen’s writings become accepted as universety medical texts?
Because Galen reffered to a creator, the church accepted it and said it would be good to be used. The Church was very important.
Why might Medeival ideas about Galen’s work have a limited progress?
People believed Galen’s work was completely correct since it was accepted by the Church so no one attempted to improve it.
Who is more significant in modern medicine - Galen or Hippocrates?
Galen showed us the importance of taking the pulse as part of the diagnosis.Hippocratic oath is still used and he showed us the importance of diet and rest.
Give 3 facts about Galen:
- he proved the brain controlled the body and not the heart.- he did a public dissection of a live pig.- he wanted to learn about the inside of the body.
Explain how people thought bad smells caused disease:
They believed the bad smells infected people. People lived close together alongside animals and filth.
Explain how people thought witchcraft caused disease:
People believed the world was full of demons who wanted to cause trouble. Only unexpected things were blamed on witchcraft.
Explain how people thought God caused disease:
To punish people for their sins.
2 main causes of death:
What medical care did the rich have access to?
Arab doctors, physicians, surgeons etc
What medical care did the poor have access to?
Wise women, lady of the house.
What medical care was in the towns?
- doctors- apothecarries- surgeons- wise women- lady of the house
What medical care was in the country?
mainly wise women and lady of the housessome apothecaries and barber surgeons travelled with fairs.
What was used to cure headaches?Did this work?
Drinking warm camomile tea then lying down on rosemary and lavender scented pillows for 15 minuites.Yes because lavender helps people sleep and headaches can be caused by lack of sleep.
Who would have given people remedies?
- apothecaries- wise women.
What did people think caused tooth ache and how did they cure it?
TOOTH WORMS.Putting a candle of sheep suet, some eringo seed, BURN IT NEAR TOOTH with water underneath and worms would jump out.
2 tools doctors had for diagnosing illnesses:
- urine.- zodiac chart.
How did physicians use urine to diagnose illness?
Look at the colour, smell it and sometimes even taste it.
What did a zodiac chart do?
Tell a physician which parts of the body were linked to which astrological sign and then indicate what the physician might do to cure a patient.
Who was John Arderne?
A man who worked as a surgeon on the battle field which helped him deal with major wounds.
What was John Arderne’s pain killing oinment made from?
Hemlock, opium and henbane.
What was John Arderne’s famous book?
” The practice of surgery” in 1350.
How important was the Church in the middle ages?
It was central to most people’s lives so it’s attitudes to medicine had a profound influence on medical progress. Encouraged people to pray for sins.
How did the Church influence medical knowledge and treatments?
Part of christian’s duty to look after the sick and poor so 160 hospitals set up - attached to monasteries.Universety schools of medicine set up through Europe where physicians could be trained.
How did war affect medical progress? (5)
- army surgeons saw the effects of lots of wounds.- problems with cauterising led some surgeons ot use wine as an anti septic.- john arderne’s ointment.- developed tools for swift removal of limbs.- cauterising still used as lazy treatment.
How did Science affect medical progress? (1)
- people started questioning the church.
Who was Robert Grossetese?
Teacher at uni of oxford, bishop of lincoln LEADING SCIENTICIST. Work on optics led to spectacles.
How did the church HELP medical progress? (3)
- provided hospitals- built schools of medicine- monasteries copied texts - galen’s etc.
How did the church NOT HELP medical progress?
- did not allow human dissections.- insisted galen’s work could not be improved.- arrested Roger Bacon 1277 for critising Galen.
What was the key deciding factor for medical progress?
CHURCH because it was so powerful.
Give 4 rules from St John Hospital in Bridge water 1215:(lanfranc’s)
- no lepers- no lunatics- no contagious people- no pregnant women
Why did Lanfranc set up a hospital?
To help poorer people and people that need different needs.
What was St Bartholemews hospital for?
Set up in 1123 for the poor and pregnant women.
What was St Mary of Bethlehem hospital for?
Set up in 1247 for “poor and silly persons”.
What was care like in St Bartholemews and St Mary of Bethlehem’s hospitals?Main Treatment?
You’d go in the chapel then in the bath, nuns took your clothes and boiled them and baked them in the oven. Get clean sheets overnight. MAIN TREATMENT: a prayer, priest would do mass everyday.
What is special about the hospital in Scotland (SOUTRA)?
It was set up by Ausutinian Monks to be a hospital NOT ABOUT RELIGION, it is the largest hospital to date. They used SOPHISTICATED herbal remedies and knew how to amputate limbs, good surgical equipment etc,
Who was St Giles Hosptial set up by and when?
1249 by Bishop Walter.IN NORWICH.
Who was St Giles Hospital funded by?
Funded from Church.
Why did Bishop Walter set up the hospital? (St Gilles)
To get into heaven and spend less time in purgatory.
What affected the issues with hygeine?
The increasing population led to more problems.
Did people know the link between hygeine and disease?
They knew the link between filth and disease but couldn’t explain it.
Where did people get water from in London?Why was this bad?
Pipes led to River Tyburn. Contaminated, leaks and not enough. NO GURANTEED CLEAN WATER even by water sellers.
What did people drink instead of water?
What 4 places had public toilets?
Rich people had better….
Hygeine and private toilets (privy).
Merchants/Bishops/Monks/Nuns had…
Good Hygeine and own fresh water.
Town councils recognised the need for good hygeine. What did they introduce?
“STEWERS” which were large baths for people to bathe together.
Why did the Church dissaprove of Stewers?
Because they thought it was immoral behaviour.
How did the Rich people use STEWERS?
As a social occasion, they ate and drank in them.
In the middle ages towns were….
Smaller and fewer in number than today but they were still very unhealthy places.
Give 4 unhealthy factors of middle age towns:
- open sewers in the streets.- not enough rakers to clean the street.- animals living close to people.- 1839 Johame Apulton fell down a well, two people tried to help and they fell in - dangerous.
Why was living in towns and cities so unhealthy (4)?
- clean water was in short supply.- no one to remove rubbish and waste.- PISS POT.- so many people lived close together.
How did monasteries help public health? (4)
- they knew the dangers of dirt and filth.- they carefully extracted drinking water.- PHYSIC GARDEN where they had plants for treating patients.- spent money on luxury foods e.g. cloves.
What were bath houses like? (stewers)
People would pay to use them, they used combs tweezers toothpaste etc.
What measures were taken by coventry council to keep the city clean? 1421
1421 - Mayors proclamation required that every man clean the street infront of his house every saturday or pay a 12 pence fine. NO EXCEPTIONS.
What measures were taken by coventry council to keep the city clean? 1420
1420 - Council gave WILLIAM OTELEY the right to collect a penny from every resident for weekly street cleaning and waste removlal services.
What measures were taken by coventry council to keep the city clean? (waste disposal locations)
Dunghills and WASTE DISPOSABLE LOCATIONS around perimeter of the town. Council authorised specific sites for particular types of waste.
Where were the 5 disposal locations in coventry? 1427
- A DUNGHILL near Greyfrior castle.- A PIT in the little park street gate.- A MUCKHILL near Dornegate.- A PIT at Poodycroft.
What was banned in COVENTRY between 1421 and 1475?
Why did waste disposal in RIVER SHERBOURNE have to be banned 9 times?
- they were ignored.
Why were latrines near the local stream RED DITCH ordered to be removed?
1421 - removed to prevent flooding.
When and were did the BLACK DEATH arrive in Britain?
- 1348 at Melcombe in DORSET.
What did medieval people believe caused diseases? (4)
- outbalanced 4 humours.- God punishing people.- Saturn in conjuction with mars = bad.- invisible fumes and bad smells.
How did people try to prevent the speading of diseases? (5)
- king’s order: march through streets praying to God.- don’t have a bath, open pores let disease in.- king’s order - clean streets.- bathe in urine 3x a day or drink it once to protect you.- no sex because excitement weakens you.
How did they treat people with the Black Death? (3)
- pop the buboes (swellings in armpits) to release the disease.- drink vinegar and mercury.- FLAGELATION walk around streets praying to God.
What 2 effective cures for the black death were therE:
- avoid plague people.- clean streets to get rid of bacteria.
How much estimated people died from the first outbreak of plague:
When were there other outbreaks of the black death in england?
What ways did the plague affect the catholic church? (2)
- some churchmen were critcised for desserting their village.- lost experienced clergy.
Give 3 short term impacts of the black death:
- death.- older and younger people affected.- survivers faces starvation.
Give 3 long term impacts of the black death:
- malnourishment.- food shortage, prises rise.- demand for peasents.