TOPIC 1 Flashcards
What is Psychology?
Study of mind, human behavior, thoughts, emotions
What did psychology emerge from?
Physiology and philosophy
Psychology Controversies
Stability vs. Change
Nature vs. Nurture
Determinism vs. Free Will
Unconsciousness vs. Conscious
Who opened first psychology lab?
Research Area: Experimental -focuses on what?
Sensation, perception, conditioning,learning, motivation
Research: Psychology
Study role of brain, nervous system, biochemicals and genetics on behavior
Ex: What is the biological cause of skypsofrenia
Research:Cognitive Psychology
Higher mental -memory, language, reasoning, problem solving, creativity
Ex: How does forgetting occur?
Research: Developmental Psychology
How we change over time -memory, Friendships
Statistics and measurments to study behavior
Ex: What is prevelance of depression? Gender biased?
Research:Personality Psychology
What shapes our personality and how to measure it
Ex: What is shyness and how does it develop?
Research: Social Psychology
Group behavior, relationships between people and role of social forces
Ex: What causes us to be attracted to certain people and not others?
Applied/professional areas: Clinical Psychology
Do therapy and assessments and work with people who have major problems (disorders) (serious)
Applied/professional: Counseling Psychology is opposite of Clinical Psychology
Less serious mental issues, should I stay in this relationship or get out of it?
Applied/professional: Education and school psychology
School psychologist who does testing and how do I help them do best in a school environment. Talk to parents, teachers
Applied/professional: Industrial and organization psychology
Apply to workplace. How to be creative in workplace? Should we change workplace setting?