Tooth Structure Flashcards
Hypodontia HYP
Absence >6 teeth
Tooth agenesis
Failure of one or more teeth to develop
Absence absence of >6 teeth
Complete lack of tooth development
Tooth agenesis is caused by
Failure of dental laminate and neural crest mesenchyme to interact
Hypodontia oligodontia anadontia
Dogs and cats with hairless breeds or symptoms like ectodermal dysplasia
Microdontia T/MIC
Smaller than normal
Macrodontia T/MAC
Teeth that are larger than normal
Germination T/gem
Tooth that divided - large single tooth, double crown but one root - single PC
Normal tooth count and large tooth , enlarged crown with a notch ( twins)
Fusion - T/FUS
From 2 normal sized teeth that are fused , entire length of tooth or only roots - 2 roots , 2 PC
Total number of teeth are less than
Dens invagination T/DENS
Unfolding of dental papilla pitot calcification
Mand 1st molar, 2nd molar maxillary canine
Incomplete lined enamel