Toop Idia Flashcards
Animal right استفاده در پژوهش هاي علمي پيشرفت پزشكي و دانش علمي كشف پزشكي احترام به زندگي ان ها عدم حق اخلاقي براي ازمايش روي اونا
Animals are used in important scientific research
Ani testing helps to advance me.and sci.knowledge
Many important medical discoveries involved experiment on animals
Animal’s live should be respected
Human have no moral right to do expre on animals
Vegetarian عدم خوردن غذاي با كشتن حيوان انتخاب اين راه واسه سلامت و اخلاق كاهش مريضي بهبود متدهاي كشاورزي توليد غذاي ارگانيك
Organic food should be produced by farmers
Vegetarians diet can improve farming methods
Vegetar diet reduce the risk of diseases like cancer
Vegetarians choose a vegetarian diet for moral and health
Vegetarians do not eat foods that are produced by killing animals
Zoo نقش زو در نگهداري حيات وحش نقش زو در حفاظت از گونه ها مكان حيوانات در زو از دست دادن ازاديشون نمايش حيوانات در راه هدف به دست اوردن پول عدم حق استفاده از حيوانات واسه سرگرمي
-Zoos have an important role in wildlife conservation
-Zoo can help to protect endangered species
-Zoo animals are kept in artificial envirome t and cages or limited space
-they lose their freedom to hunt for food
-zoos exhibit animals with the aim of making money
We have no right to use animals for entertainment
فرصت شغلي
امكان استخدام بيشتر
استاندارد زندگي
People move to cities in search of job opportunities
Cities offer greater employment posibilities
Offer higher standard of living
City life ضررهاي خودشو داره هزينه زندگي فقر و جرم بيشتر و ترافيك اختلاف طبقاتي زندگي با استرس جنگل طور
City life has its drawbacks
The cost of living in city is higher than in rural area
Poverty and crims are common
There is a gap between rich and poor
Life in the cities can be extremely stressful
Cities are described as concrete jungle
There are more pollution
Housing is much more expensive so people cant have house for them selfs
There are more facilities in city
Pedestrian aria قدغن كردن ماشين ساختن راه دوچرخه رابطه استفاده از ماشين و سلامتي جذابيت كانتري سايد واسه ساكنين
-Banning cars encourages pp to walk or cycle
-Goverment should bulid cycle lanes
-Individual cars is linked to helath problems like obesity
-pp who walk or cycle regularly are generally healthier
-rural areas are safer and more atractive for resident
Pedestrian area can improve enviroment
Using individoal cars causes some sickness such as obesity
Goverment should buld cycle line
Crim and police Job of police About punishment Positive of prison Negative of prison
-The job of police is catch criminals
-they should prevent crim and make a society safer
-government should increase number of staff as a police officer
Fine are used as a smaler punishment.
Prison are used as more serious crime.
Basically i thinnk prison are used as a serious crime.the aim of prison is rehabilitation.they helps offenders to be a good citizen.they helps them to find a job opportunities in the future.prisons offer education and personal skill.
In prisons some criminals are put together-maybe they make friend with each other and transfer the information about their crime and victim.
-some criminal pose threat to society
Capital punishment
- capital punishment are used for serious crime such as rape or murder
- in mu opinion capital punishment deters crime
- Fear of death causes people avoid from crime
- we have no right to take another himan life
- capital punishment causes violent culure and revenge
Community service for prison
- Community service is a way to reform offenders
- it help offender to be useful
- offender do some job like clean streets
- criminals should be take away from victim
- inthink its not enough for punishment
Crime in the media
موضوع اصلي
فوكوس مديا
افزايش بيننده
-Nowadays we have a new kind of crime like crime in media.
-some people threat others in social network
-they want blackmail or steal their credit cards.
Crime is one of the main subject of most media
Mass media focus on violent and crime
The media report crime stories to increase their audience
Advertising معرفي محصول توسط شركت ها اطلاع دادن به ما درباره انتخاب صنعت خلاق توجه به فروش محصول تاثير روي بچه ها بزنس مدرن
- its neccesary for modern business
- Children can easily be influenced by advertising and pressure on parents to buy sth that see in advertising.
- Advertisers focus on selling their products
- Advertising is a creative industry that employs many people
- Advertising inform us about our choice,prices and quality of goods.
- we live in consumer culture that advertising encourage people to buy some goods that they arent nessecary for their life
- advertising persuade people to buy their product,however ther arent good for health.
With ed people can give knowledge and skill
They can earn a higher salary
With more skill and know they can find better job
Schools prepare chi to be members of a society
Studying abroad
-study in foreign uni can offer better courses
-study abroad help people to achive better skills and find better job in the future.
-it helps them to become independent
-people in another country are exposed to different culture and custom
-they can learn a foreign language.
-the cost of study in foreign uni is more expensive.
-it s hard to learn foreign language.they dont understand other
-find accommodation and the cost of living
-living alone in another country can cause homesickness
Technology in education
- technology is a powerful tool
- using tec in education is more interesting and easier
- student can use online resource for research and uptodate topic
- they can study in virtual university
- they can have distance learning
- people rely too much on computer
- speed od internet is low in some city or countries
- the computer and equipment are expensive
- they cant improve their handwriting
Technology in education
Opinion a about tec and education
- people should suplement traditional teaching with using technology
- student can use technology ti use online resources
- they should still use traditional facilities such as book
Education in developing country
Your oppinion
-children have to work from early age
-there arent suitable schools in many area
-there arent good university with modern facilities or equipment
-developed counties should help developing by providing money
-goverment should build suitable schools with modern facilities
-goverment should make education compulsory for all children
-government should send top stu in developed country for education and learn more skills.
-goverment should encourage parents to send their children to school.
Higher education
Higher education can help people to achive more knowledge and find better jobs in future.
- some jobs such as engineering need more skill and knowledge
- economies are becoming knowledge-based
- practical working is necessary in some jobs
- prople with higher education dont tend to work in manual jobs
- educated people expect to have better job with more salary.
Benefit and drawbacks
- most parents decide to educate their children at home
- there arent good schools with modern facilities near their area.
- transport problems
- some state schools are crowded and dont have modern equipments
- private teacher are so expensive
- most parents dont have enough knowledge
- at school,children can learn sense of compettion
- they motivate to learn better
- in some state schools we have a lot of students with different culture.
Bad behaviour in school
وضع قانون
ارتباط نزديك با خانواده ها
ساپورت قوانين توسط خانواده ها
-school need a clear set of rules about behaviour
Parents should work closely with school
Parent shoud support the schoon rules
Corporal punishment
يه راه كنترل كودكان
خجالت مي كشن
عدم بالا بردن صداقت
Is a way of controlling children
It causes children become shy
It dosent promot trust between children and adult
Global warning جذب گرما افزايش دما جهاني اثر گلخانه اي اثر انسان -كارخونه و اگزوزافزايش ماشين ها اثر گرماي جهاني-ذوب شدن يخ-سطح دريا-خشكسالي و طوفان
-gasesh such as carbon dioxide trap heat from the sun
-this issue causes global tempertures to rise
-this process is known as the greenhouse effect
-human activities is a major factor in the rise of the greenhouse gases
-rising the number of cars in the street
-factories and exhaust fumes causes greenhouse gases
-global warming will have a significant impact on our planet
-rising tempertures will causes melting of the polar ice
-sea level will rise
Flooding and droughts may become more common
Impact of human in invironment افزايش جمعيت جهان و اثر روي منابع طبيعي تمام شدن منابع قطع درختان اثر انسان روي حيات وحش انقراض گونه هاي جانوران و گياهان
-increasing world population put pressure on natural resources
-natural resources such as gas and oil run out
-people cut down tree
-its lead to the extinction of many species of animals and plants
Solution to invironment problems وضع قانون براي كاهش گاز كارخونه ها استفاده از انرژي تجديد پذير افزايش استفاده مجدد منابع طبيعي و حيوانات وحش حفاظت ترنسفر عمومي
- goverment should lead the factoried to limit emissions
- goverment should use the renewable energy from solar wind or water power
- goverment should improve recycling
- goverment should protect from wild animal and natural areas
- we should use public transfer instead of driving
Rubbish-waste كاهش توليد زباله فرهنگ مصرف كننده شكسته شده چيزي تبليغات بسته بندي
- we should try to reduce product of waste
- this problem is a result of consumer culture
- if sth breaks,we throw it away and buy a new one
- advertising encourage usto buy new things
- packaging is an important part of selling
Solution to trash استفاده كمتر از بسته بندي هدايت كمپاني تو توليد اشغال كمتر استفاده مجدداز متريال جداسازي اشغال ها
-we should not use so much packaging
-goverment should lead factories to decrease the product of waste
-we should recycle and reuse materials
-we should try to seprate paper and plastic rubishh from other waste
Nuclear power
- منفعت داره
- منابع فسيلي اتمام
- توليد الكتريسيته بدون خراب كردن منابع طبيعي
- جايگزين منابع طبيعي
- ايستگاه تميزتر
- ساخت گران ايستگاه
- زندگي كنارش
- راه كنترل راديو اكتيو
- useing nuclear power has a lot of benefits
- we can produce electricity with out wasting natunal resources
- it could replace to natunal resources
- the nuclearpower station is more cleaner than fossil fuel power station
- building of new nuclear power stations is expensive
- nobody wants to live near one
- there is currently no way to control radioactive material
- fossilfuels such as oil and gass are running out
Familiy size ترجيح به خانواده كوچك تر فرزند كمتر كار كردن هزينه
- we tend to live in small nuclear families rather than large extended families
- parents tend to have fewer children
- nowadays both parent often work
- it costs so much to bring children up
Working parents رابطه صميمي كمتر زمان كمتر كودكان اثر از كي اثر نبود صميميت
- children and their parents seem to be less close
- parents spend less time with their children
- children spend more time with friends,surfing internet or babysitters
- the lack of closeness in families can have negative effects on children
- friends,television and internet become the mail effects on children’s behavior
Care for old people قبلا وظيفه خانواده حالا كمتر نگهداري خانگي نقش دولت
- caring eldery people was traditionally the respondibility of families
- nowadays,fewer eldery people are looked after by their relatives
- residential home provide care for large number of eldery people
- goverment should provide facilities and training care worker
Gender and education
دسترسي هر دو به فرصت هاي اموزشي
اشتباه فرق گذاشتن
تعداد هر دو تو هاير اجوكشن
- both gender should have similar access to educational opportunities
- its wrong to discriminate against stu because of their gender
- the number of both gender in higher educational should be similar
Gender and work دسترسي به فرصت شغلي پول مساوي استخدام طبق توانايي فرصت هاي شغلي امروزه موفقيت شغلي بر چه اساسي
- both gender should have similar access to job opportunities
- they should eran equal salaries
- they were employed according to their abilities
- nowadaye a range of occupation is available to both gender
- career success depends on individual ability
Women and men snd role in family كار نكردن مادر بچه بزرگ كردن نان اور خانواده تقسيم وظايف نقش سنتي جنسيت
- many people argue that a mother should not work
- they should stay at home and bring up her children
- father should be the breadwinner of the family
- nowadays many parents share their parenting and domestic responsibilities
- the traditional gender roles change
Problem in developing countries استاندارد سلامت و تحصيل اميد به زندگي كمبود استخدام فقر كمك موسسه خيريه كمپاني چند مليته رفتن جاي ديگه واسه كار
- standards of healthcare and education are low
- life expectancy is usually lower than developed countries
- there is a lack of employment
- many people live in poverty
- developed countries and charities can help by investing money
- multi-national companies can help by creating jobs
- goverment can help by building houses
- many people emigrate to finde wor in richer countries and send back money home and this money helps to improve the standard of living
Immigration مهاجرت براي زندگي بهتر-از كجا مي يان رايگاني خدمات-اسكيل دارن خيلي هاشون ايجاد فرهنگ متفاوت-زمان كار زياد-پول كمتر كمك به صنعت اون كشور بايد حق مساوي داشته باشن
-many people immigrate to another country in search of better job
-many immigrants come from developing countries
-the reason if immigration can be free healthcare and schooling in developed countries
-many of immigrants have good skills
-imigrations also creats culture diversity
-many of imigrants send money home to help their family
-some imigrants worker with longer hours
-some imigrants earn fewer salari
-imigrations can help to economy of a country
-imigrants should have equal rights to earn salaries
When people migrate to another country they feel there is huge difrence between their value belife and custom and other people and it causes a cultural shoch in them.
In my opinion there are many reasons for migrste people
They are transfer their culture and belife
Migrate : koli
Imigrate : raftsn b keshvare dge
Emigrate : tarke keshvar - me
Government سرويس عمومي سلامت و تحصيل ساپورت كسايي كه تو فقرن و بي كار وضع قانون تعيين ماليات افزايش اگاهي مردم اثر روي عادات مردم ايجاد جاب سازماندهي كاراي كمپاني ها مسئول اسايش و امنيت
- government should provide public services such as healthcare and education
- government should support people who are living in poverty or unable to work
- government can interduce new law
- government should impose taxes-government should raise the people’s awareness of issues
- government can influence people’s habits
- governmentvshould create jobs
- government should regulate the activities of campanies
- government is also responsible for the security and well-being of their citizens
Public services with government مزد به تيچرها پولش از كجا مي ايد كنترل ترنسپورت سرويساي ضروري فري باشه سانسور اون چيزي كه پابكيك مي بينن استفاده از سنسور تو حفاظت كودكان ليميت سني واسه سايت نقش والدين
-Government pay the salaries of public sector worker such as police and teachers
-the necessary money is raised by taxing people’s income
-government should controll public transport system
-some essential services should be free
-government should sensor what the public sees or reads in media
-parents should use sensorship to protec their children from violent image
-there should be age limites for websites and computer games
Cutting of forest وسايل سنگين باعث فريايش خاك ريشه هاي كمتري نگه مي دارن خاك سطح رو افزايش ريسك اتش سوزي رطوبت كمتر داده مي شه توسط گياهان به هوا خاك سخت مي شه خاك سطح فرسوده مي شه رطوبت كم افزايش خشكسالي كم شدن گوناگوني زيستي
Heavy equipment compress the soil Fewer roots hold the top soil Increase the risk of burning Plant return Less humidity to air Soil become hard Top soil erodes Increase drought
Accessing the news Downloading film Imternet shopping Searching for information Young people addicted to online gaming Use net to stay in touch with family
Advertising opinion
Government should regulate advertising
Some advertising show false information or harmful product
Advertising is necessary for market economy
مصرف پول بيشتر نسبت به بدست اوردن
بحران اقتصادي
مخارج خونه
- Over the last two decades,many people spent more money than they earned,resulting in high level of personal debt.
- spending on goods and services has slowed down because of the economic crisis.
- household expenditure is one way that spendig money for it.
About where u live
City : large and religous city
Position : in the mountains-on the coast-by the sea or river
Description : the capital of -in the rural-industrial-commercial-
Area : crowded-noisy-run-down(makhroobe)-clean and tidy-congested(full of traficc)-leafy(full of tree)-
Home-type : block of flat(bolook hae apartemani)-apartment complex-bungalow(vilaee)-cottage(kolbe)-three storey(house)-renting-bedsit(otaghe ejarei)-studio(small app with one room)
Features : large back garden-patio-green house or conservatory-
1-diet 2-junk food 3-government 4-how reduce problem 5-atitude of childeren 6-in the past
1-balanced diet is an important element to have healthier life-unhealthy diet causes a lot of sickness such as obesity and heart disease-nowadays we tend to less walk and do desk job-children play video games instead of doing outdoor sports.
2-junk food or poor food often have too much fat and suger-junk food are cheaper and its easy to bye them
3-government should force campanies to offer their production with nutrients-government play a major role to reduce obesity-government should force schools to inform children about healthy diet-government should organize advertising about harmful food-governemt shoud build public invironment for exercise-government shuld inform people about healthy diet and regular exercise.
4-regular exercise helps people to be in good shape-exercise burns calories and helps to be healthier-
State health system-private health system
Advantages and disadvantages
State hospitals usually are larger-the cost of cure is cheaper and they have longer waiting list-
Private hospitals are cleaner and have more facilities.also have shortet waiting list
Goverment shuld increase facilities in state hospitals
Alternative medicine
What is it
Nowadays people tend to use alternative medicine such as herbal medicines or acupuncture to treat some disases instead of using chemical medicines.
They may have no beneficial effects
They effect of them are unknown
Why it becomes
How to reduce it
- modern lifestyle are significantly stressful
- People work more overtime and have less time to be relax
- Unemployement play a major role to increase stress
- Parent dont have enough time to spend with their children and it has its dawbacks
- Stress can be reduced by regular exercise and eating healthy diet
- People should work less overtime and have enough leisure time
- People should have comfortable sleep
- government should force schools to employ psychologist to support them.
Video cameras in public places
- Using video camera in public plasees becoming widespread.
- its help to protec environment and deters criminals to commite crime.
- some people think this services effects on privacy.
Smart cards
Positive side
Negative side
Nowadays by developing technology,smart card are common.
It could hold some information like dna
Its wery difficult for offenders to use a stolen card
It is easier for police to catch criminals
Many people are worried about their privacy
Government could store all their personal informations
People with disabilities
They should have the same right as other people
They should access the same jobs as other citizen
Government should build suitable line for people using wheelchairs
Care giver
KaMel shavad
Traditional and modern industry
-Technology is the powerful instrument
-Have a lot of effects in our life
-Because of industrialization,many traditions are disappeared.
-Global advertising encourage people to buy their products.
-with using technology on industry,goods are produced quickly and in large number.
-products are cheaper and more people can buy them.
-clothes are produced in standard sizes
Traditional customs
- Traditional customs are important during wedding and religious festivals
- people wear traditional customs and eat special foods
- we should celebrate traditional festival to protect our culture.
Teraffic problem
-Using personal cars causes traffic congestion.
-some commuters live in countryside and tend to travel alone.
Solutions for traffic
- i think people should use public transport instead of personal cars
- by technology,people can be in contact with each other with internet and it helps to reduce traffic
- some people can work at home
Positives of public transport
- public transport can act as helpul elemet by reduse traffic
- by public transport ee have less pollution
- modern public transport are cheaper and faster
- parking cars in big city often are difficult
- public transport often are crowded and slow
Road safety
- driving while tired or drunk is dangerous
- useing mobile phone while driving has been forbiden in many countries
- television and advertising should remind people to drive safely
- speed camera act as
Benefit of staying in one job
Benefit of not staying in one job
- They have a good pension and health insurance in future
- their salaries are increased
- employer can give them more responsibilities
- people usually change their job to find a job with more salary and good condition
- they can learn different skill
- changing jobs is interesting for someone
- nowadays people perefer to be self-employed
- i think there are a lot of risks to starting a new business
- self-employment offers gerater freedom than working for a company
- there are no benefits like pension or health insurance
- they work for a long time and have more responsibilities
Benefit of unemployment
Disadvantage of unemployment
-unemployment is a big problem of society
-some people dont have enough skills and unable to find a job
-unemployment causes stress and crime
-government shoud support unemplyed people
-unemployed people need support until they finde a new job
-government should pay them some money
-they are not motivated to find a job
-all the people should work to earn a money