Tools of the Trade: Linux & SQL Flashcards
program that performs a specific task
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS)
microchip that contains loading instructions for the computer and is prevalent in older systems
software program that boots the operating system
Command-Line Interface CLI
text-based user interface that uses commands to interact with the computer
Graphical User Interface GUI
user interface that uses icons on the screen to manage different tasks on the computer
Physical components of the computer
Legacy operating system
operating system that is outdated but still being used
Operating System OS
interface between computer hardware and the user
Random Access Memory RAM
hardware component used for short-term memory
Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UEFI
microchip that contains loading instructions for the computer and replaces BIOS on more modern systems
User interface
program that allows the user to control the functions of the operating system
Virtual Machine VM
virtual version of a physical computer
default shell in most Linux distributions
open-source distribution that is closely related to Red Hat
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
computer’s main processor, which is used to perform general computing tasks on a computer
Instruction telling the computer to do something
Digital forensics
practice of collecting and analyzing data to determine what has happened after an attack
File that organizes where other files are stored
different versions of Linux
File path
location of a file or directory
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
Component of the Linux OS that organizes data
Graphical user interface (GUI)
user interface that uses icons on the screen to manage different tasks on the computer
Hard Drive
hardware component used for long-term memory
physical components of a computer
Internal hardware
components required to run the computer
Kali Linux
open-source distribution of Linux that is widely used in the security industry
component of the Linux OS that manages processes and memory
open source operating system
piece of software that can be combined with other packages to form an application
Package manager
tool that helps users install, manage, and remove packages or applications
open-source distribution that is commonly used for security
Penetration test (pen test)
simulated attack that helps identify vulnerabilities in systems, networks, websites, applications, and processes
Peripheral devices
hardware components that are attached and controlled by the computer system
Random Access Memory (RAM)
hardware component used for short-term memory
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
also referred to simply as Red Hat in this course: subscription distribution of Linux built for enterprise use
command-line interpreter
Standard error
error message returned by the OS through the shell
Standard input
information received by the OS via the command line
Standard output
information returned by the OS through the shell
String data
Data consisting of an ordered sequence of characters
open-source, user-friendly distribution that is widely used in security and other industries
person interacting with a computer
Absolute File Path
full file path which starts from the root
Argument (linux)
Specific information needed by a command
process of verifying who someone is
Concept of granting access to specific resources in a system
default shell in most Linux distros
instruction telling the computer to do something
File Path
location of a file or directory
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard FHS
component of the Linux OS that organizes data
Selecting data that match a certain condition
command-line file editor that is available by default in many Linux distros
input that modifies the behavior of a command
type of access granted for a file or directory
Principle of least privilege
concept of granting only the minimal access and authorization required to complete a task or function
Relative file path
file path that starts from the user’s current directory
Root directory
the highest -level directory in Linux
Root user (superuser)
user with elevated privileges to modify the system
Standard input
information received by the OS via the command line
Standard output
information returned by the OS through the shell
organized collection of information or data
Date and time data
data representing a date and/or time
Exclusive operator
operator that does not include the value of comparison
Selecting data that match a certain condition
Foreign key
column in a table that is a primary key in another table
Inclusive operator
operator that includes the value of comparison
record of events that occur within an organization
Numeric data
data consisting of numbers
symbol or keyword that represents an operation
Primary key
column where every row has a unique entry
request for data from a database table or a combination of tables
Relational database
structured database containing tables that are related to each other
String data
data consisting of an ordered sequences of characters
SQL Structured Query Language
programming language used to create, interact with, and request information from a database
rules that determine what is correctly structured in a computing language
special character that can be substituted with any other character