what is labour?
the sequence of actions by which a baby and the placenta are expelled from the uterus at childbirth which normally occurs between 37-42 weeks of gestations
what counts as a normal pregnancy birth?
a spontaneous onset with vertex presentation of the foetus, low obstetric risk, regular painful uterine contractions, progressive cervical dilatation, strenuous maternal effort, maternal movement, progressive foetal descent, delivery of baby/placenta/membranes
outline the history of midwifery?
in 18th century, lying in hospitals were created for maternity care of poor married women and it was discovered these women had better outcomes than those in hospitals due to lower infection risk. (hospitals had higher puerperal sepsis). more women attended midwives and by 1881, the midwives institute formed
in 1902 we saw the first midwives act which designated the role of normal childbearing to midwives rather than doctors.
By the 20th century there was a political drive to see midwifery units within hospitals to improve outcomes for when pregnancies go wrong
how have normal birth and C-section rates changed?
normal birth rates have declined and rates of C-sections have increased
at what cervical dilation is labour defined as?
about 4cm
what rate of cervical dilation should occur during labour?
1cm or more per hour
what is the Ferguson reflex?
baby presses onto cervix
pressure causes oxytocin to be released
oxytocin causes uterine contractions
baby presses further onto the cervix