Tonify Qi and Blood Flashcards

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Tonifies and augments the qi and blood

Sx: Pallid or sallow complexion, palpitations with anxiety that may be continuous, reduced appetite, shortness of breath, laconic speech, extremities that are easily fatigued, lightheadedness and/or vertigo
T: pale with a white coating
P: thin, frail or large, deficient without strength

A. Ba zhen tang - eight treasure decoction
B. Shi quan da bu tang - all inclusive great tonifying decoction
C. Gui pi tang - restore the spleen
D. Zhi gan cao tang - honey fried licorice decoction
E. Tai shan pan shi tang - taishan bedrock powder


Ba zhen tang - eight treasure decoction

Ren shen - ginseng (tonify qi)
bai zhu - atractylodis (tonify qi)
fu ling - poria (drain damp)
shu di huang - rehmannia (tonify blood)
bai shao - white peony (tonify blood)
dang gui - angelica (tonify blood)
chuan xiong - chuanxiong root (invg. blood)

NOTE: all herbs in this formula is listed at 30 g

concurrent deficiency of qi and blood due to imbalances caused by chronic disease or excessive loss of blood

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Warms and tonifies qi and blood

Sx: wan complexion, fatigue, reduced appetite, dizziness, listlessness, dyspnea, palpitations, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, cold extremities, spermatorrhea

Can be used for sores that won’t heal, irregular periods or continuous spotting from uterine bleeding
T: pale
P: thin and frail

A. Ba zhen tang - eight treasure decoction
B. Shi quan da bu tang - all inclusive great tonifying decoction
C. Gui pi tang - restore the spleen
D. Zhi gan cao tang - honey fried licorice decoction
E. Tai shan pan shi tang - taishan bedrock powder


B. Shi quan da bu tang - all inclusive great tonifying decoction

Ren shen - ginseng (tonify qi)
bai zhu - atractylodis (tonify qi)
fu ling - poria (drain damp)
zhi gan cao - h.f. licorice (tonify qi)
shu di huang - rehmannia (tonify blood)
bai shao - white peony (tonify blood)
dang gui - angelica (tonify blood)
chuan xiong - chuanxiong root (invg. blood)
rou gui - cinnamomi cortex (warm the interior)
huang qi - astragalus (tonify qi)

Combined qi and blood deficiency, often seen in consumptive disorders. If the qi and blood fail to nourish the penetrating and conception vessels, the sea of blood becomes empty, leading to irregular periods and uterine bleeding and spermatorrhea

This formula focuses more strongly on warming the yang and moving qi and blood

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Augments the qi, tonifies the blood, strengthens the spleen and nourishes the heart

Sx: forgetfulness, palpitations (with or without anxiety), insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, anxiety and phobia, feverishness, withdrawal, reduced appetite, a pallid and wan complexion, chronic bleeding syndromes, periods with copius pale blood or prolonged periods with little blood flow
T: pale with a thin, white coat
P: thin, frail

A. Ba zhen tang - eight treasure decoction
B. Shi quan da bu tang - all inclusive great tonifying decoction
C. Gui pi tang - restore the spleen
D. Zhi gan cao tang - honey fried licorice decoction
E. Tai shan pan shi tang - taishan bedrock powder


C. Gui pi tang - restore the spleen

Ren shen - ginseng (tonify qi)
huang qi - astragalus (tonify qi)
bai zhu - atractylodis (tonify qi)
fu ling - poria (drain damp)
suan zao ren - ziziphi spinosae seed (calm spirit)
long yan rou - longan (tonify blood)
mu xiang - aucklandia (regulate qi)
zhi gan cao - h.f. licorice (tonify qi)
dang gui - angelica (tonify blood)
yuan zhi - polygala root - (calm the spirit)

Excessive deliberation for a long period of time or obsessive behavior injures the spleen and heart and leads to this disorder.

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Augments the qi, nourishes the blood, enriches the yin, and restores the pulse

Sx: palpitations that may be accompanied by anxiety, irritability, insomnia, emaciation, shortness of breath, constipation, a dry mouth and throat

T: pale, shiny
P: irregular, slow-irregular, thin, faint and forceless

A. Ba zhen tang - eight treasure decoction
B. Shi quan da bu tang - all inclusive great tonifying decoction
C. Gui pi tang - restore the spleen
D. Zhi gan cao tang - honey fried licorice decoction
E. Tai shan pan shi tang - taishan bedrock powder


D. Zhi gan cao tang - honey fried licorice decoction

zhi gan cao - h.f. licorice (tonify qi)
ren shen - ginseng (tonify qi)
gui zhi - cinnamomi branch (w.a.r.e.)
sheng di huang - rehmannia - (clear heat)
mai men dong - ophiopogonis - (tonify yin)
e jiao - asini corli colla - (tonify yin)
huo ma ren - hemp seed - (downward draining)
sheng jiang - ginger (warm interior)
da zao - jujube date (tonify qi)

consumptive conditons with qi and blood xu causing IRREGULAR PULSE

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Augments the qi, strengthens the spleen, nourishes the blood, quiets the fetus

Sx: restless fetus, threatened miscarriage, habitual miscarriage. Pale complexion, fatigue, lack of appetite
T: pale with slippery coat
P: slippery but forceless

A. Ba zhen tang - eight treasure decoction
B. Shi quan da bu tang - all inclusive great tonifying decoction
C. Gui pi tang - restore the spleen
D. Zhi gan cao tang - honey fried licorice decoction
E. Tai shan pan shi tang - taishan bedrock powder


E. Tai shan pan shi tang - taishan bedrock powder

Ren shen - ginseng (tonify qi)
huang qi - astragalus (tonify qi)
bai zhu - atractylodis (tonify qi)
zhi gan cao - h.f. licorice (tonify qi)
dang gui - angelica (tonify blood)
chuan xiong - chuanxiong root (invg. blood)
bai shao - white peony (tonify blood)
shu di huang - rehmannia (tonify blood)
xu duan - dipasci radix (tonify yang)
huang qin - scutellaria (clear heat, drain damp)
sha ren - amomi fructus (aromatic transform damp)
nuo mi - glutinous rice (tonify qi)

qi and blood deficiency with lack of nourishment of the fetus.

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