Toni Flashcards
- Arise - to wake up/ To get
Arose - i was arose on the movies
Awake- adjective
Def- if someone is wake or sleep
Sentence- why are awake
Be- auxiliary verb
Def- don’t disturb me while i am with my family
Become- verb
Def- to become poperior
Sentence- neymar is very poperior futboll pleyar.
Def- deal with something
Sentence- she is afrid but she will take the pain.
Beat- verb
Def- point for president or vote
Sentence- we left at five a. m. to beat the traffic.
Bend- verb
Def- someone move something
Sentence- the doctors will take some part of my body
Begin- verb
Def- start doing something
Sentence- i will begin on monday start doing a new job
Bet- verb
Def- to risk. People or money
Sentence- i will bet him on tennis ping pong
Bite- verb
Def- an animal bite someone or something
Sentence- my cat bite me
Bleed- verb
Def- bleed from person
Sentence- my mom hurt her self and she was bleeding.
Def- current of air
Sentence- the weather is very strong.
Broadcast - noun countable
Def- television
Sentence- the CNN television is very good
Break- verb
Def- something is break
Sentence- if you break my promise I will never trust you again.
Bring– verb
Def- to take something or someone to place with you.
Sentence- hey mom you can bring with you are dog.
Bones - noun
Def- human or animals.
Sentence- I found bones in the found of my house .
Book- noun
Def- book to read
Sentence- I love books.
Born- verb
Def- born in place somewhere
Sentence- I was born in Bulgaria.
Both- determiner
Def- some people are together for ever
Sentence- I want to be with you for ever and both to understand each other.
Bottom- noun
Def- surf on something
Sentence- I love to be on the bottom of the ocean.
Box- noun
Def- a box to putting things in saide of the box’s.
Sentence- can you put the toys in the box’s .
Boy- noun
Def- a small child or person.
Sentence- I have to boys their neams are bobi and marian.
Branches- noun
Def- a part of a tree or grass that grows.
Sentence- I love the grass the grows very fast.
Break- verb
Def- to break something.
Sentence - yesterday I broke my phone.
Bright- adjective
Def- light
Sentence- my eyes were hurting yesterday from the lights.
Build- verb
Def- build something or building
Sentence - mom can we build a new house mom.
Burn- verb
Def- something that is burning
Sentence- in our house have fire.
Buy- verb
Def- to pay for it
Sentence- where did you buy this shoes.
Can- modal verb
Def- to be able to do something
Sentence - i don’t know how to swim
Catch- verb
Def- stop the car
Sentence- we have stop in the fround of us and we have to stop the car.
Bring- verb
Def- to take something or someone with you to somewere
Sentence- it was the first time i showed to my family my boyfriend.
British- adjective
Def- the British government
Sentence- in british is very beautiful place to visit
Broken- verb
Def- to break something
Sentence- my hands are broken
Brother- noun
Def- a male who has the same family as you sister.
Sentence- i have 10 brothers and 6 sisters.
Brought- verb
Def- to bring something
Sentence - can you bring something to eat plases.
Brown - adjective
Def- have brown skin
Sentence- i have a brown ski because from the sun.
Build- verb
Def- something that is build from people
Sentence- i want to build a new house
Building- noun
Def- factor that has a roof and walls
Sentence- this building is very big
Built - adjective
Def- shape
Sentence- he is built like a studio.
Burning- adjective
Def- this building
Sentence- this building is burning
Business- noun
Def- business.
Sentence- this students learn about how to be a businessmen
But- conjunction
Def- adds something
Sentence- but i want to have a new phone
Buy- verb
Def- to get something by pay money for it.
By- preposition
Def- to say who or what
Sentence- by to way i have a new phone.