500 Most Frequent Words A-Z Flashcards
A (Indefinite article)
sentence- I want to buy a dog . definition - The first letter of the English alphabet.
Able (Adjective)
Definition- ( Be able to do something. Sentence- I will not be able to go to Spain.
Definition- (Concerning or relating to a particular subject.
Above- ( A verb)
Definition- (In a higher position than something else. Sentence- Our neighbors who live above us are very nice.
Across- ( adverb preposition)
Definition- from one side of something to the other. Sentence- I won a trip to go across the country.
Act ( Noun)
Definition - One thing that you do. Sentence - In mt class, we practiced the act of speaking English.
Action ( Noun)
Definition - the process of doing something, especially in order to achieve a particular thing. Sentence - Environmental groups want tougher action on pollution from cars.
Actually (adverb)
Definition - used to add new information to what you have just said, to give your opinion,or to start a new conversation. I Sentence - Actually, on second thoughts, I don’t think I want to go out tonight.
add- ( verb )
Definition - to put something with something else or with a group of other things. Sentence - if the mixture seems dry, add water.
addiction- ( noun)
Definition - the need to take a harmful drug regularly, without being able to stop. Sentence - addiction to alcoho.
adjective - (noun)
Definition - a world that describes a noun or pronoun. In the phrase ‘black hat’, ‘black’ is an adjective and in the sentence ‘It makes her happy’, ‘happy’ is an adjective. Sentence - Guadalajara is a beautiful place to visit.
Definition- frightened because you think that you may get hurt or that something bad may happen . Sentence- He is afraid to fly in an airplane.
Africa-(proper noun)
Definition- a continent Sentence - I want go to the continent Africa.
After - (preposition)
Definition -when a particular event ot time has happened, or when someone has done something. Sentence - After Africa, I will go to Spain.
Definition -one more time - used when something has happened or been done before. Sentence - I will visit perú again in two months.
against-(preposition )
Definition - use to say that someone opposes or disagrees with something. Sentence - My parents are against my trip.