Emma Flashcards
C words
Call- verb
Def- telephone
Sentence- yesterday i called my brother to asked him how he is doing.
Came- verb
Def- i come now
Sentence- i want to wait for my mom to pick me up from school this afternoon.
Can- modal verb
Def- to be able to know something.
Sentence- i can’t go to Washington this weekend.
Cannot- modal verb
Def- to be able to know something
Sentence- i am not afraid from no one.
Can’t- modal verb
Def- to be able to know something.
Sentence -sorry i can’t go out with you .
Def- the capital of america
Sentence -the capital of California is Sancramento.
Captain- noun conuntable
Def- the pilot is in change of an aircraft
Sentance- Nia’s captain of the quiz team.
Car- noun
Def- wheels and an engine.
Sentence- get out of my car.
Care - noun
Def- process of looking after someone.
Sentence- you have to take care of your self by your on way
Def- in a careful way to something
Sentence- you need to think very careful about which course you want to take this Summer.
Carry- verb
Def- arms or hands
Sentence- let me carry this close for you is to heavy.
Case- noun
Def- like phone case or something else
Sentence- in the case i think we should hangout this weekend because i miss you.
Cat- noun
Def- an animal
Sentence- my favorite animal is delfine i don’t like cat’s.
Catch- verb
Def- catch something
Sentence- if somebody come in my house i will catch them.
Cattle- noun
Def- an animals
Sentence - i love to be with so many cattle because i feel very happy when i am with them.
Caught- verb
Def -to caught someone or something.
Sentence- yesterday i caught somebody stealing food from the store.
Cause- verb ., noun
Def- to make something
Sentence- it is my job to establish the cause of the article.
Cells- noun
Def- to cells somthing
Sentence- the cells in your body are needed to live.
Cents- noun
Def- money
Sentence - my mom gives me every month tree hundred dollars and 50cents.
Century- noun
Def- one of the 300-years periods measured from before or after the year of the Nia’s birth
Sentence- the story of love on a small farm at the turn of the century.
Certain - adjective
Def- sure about something or someone
Sentence- I felt certain that i will passed the test.
Change- verb
Def-to change something in you
Sentence- I want to change my personality
Chart- noun
Def- graphics
Sentence- a showing last mounth
Def- true or in good condition
Sentence- you should always check your massages
Chance- noun
Def- something will happened or you want somebody.
Sentence- I had a chance to go to kanses
Chief- adjective
Def- cook or chief
Sentence- This chief is a very good Cook.
Child- noun
Def- someone who is not old enough
Sentence-the church is ideal for families with young children.
Def- someone who is not old enough
Sentence- your child is very young
Choose- verb
Def- number of things or people
Sentence- where do choose to go this summer
Church -noun
Def- a build where people pray
Sentence- do you want to come
wiith me on saturday to church
Circle- noun
Def- a completely round shape, like the little O
Sentence- draw a circle 15 cm in diameter
Def-a large important city
Sentence- a big town with a little apertures
Def- one of the groups in a society different types of people in school
Sentence- in my class we have only 20 people in it
Clean- adjective
Def- dirty
Sentence- make sure you keep your room clean
Clear- adjective
Def- ciarity
Sentence- you did not answer my equation clear at all
Climbed- verb
Def- to move o
Up , down , or across something
Sentence- the wall is too smolle to climb over
Close- verb
Def- verb
Sentence- would you mind if i close the wall
Clothes- noun
Def-the things that people wear to cover their body
Sentence- i work in clothes shope
Cloud- noun
Def- a white mass in the sky
Sentence- dark clouds floated across the soon
Column- noun
Def- a tall stone post used to support a building .
Sentence- s column of smoke
Come- verb
Def- when you arrive somewhere
Sentence- can you let me know when my father is arrive home
Common- adjective’s
Def- in many place
Sentence- Nia is a very common name in Greece
Def- a bussines organization that makes or sells things
Sentence- where is your company
Complete- adjective
Def- to help people in bad situation
Sentence- this is a complete waste of time
Compound- noun
Def- atoms from two or more elements
Sentence- to words compound together.
Conditions- noun
Def- something is in, especially how good or bad.
Sentence- the appatament was in a terrible condition.
Consider- verb
Def- something carefully, especially before making a choice or decision.
Sentence- we are consider you to be more good.
Consonant - noun
Def- a speech sound made by partly or completely .
Sentence- b, c, d
Contain- verb
Def- if something such as a bag, box , or place contains something, that is inside it.
Sentence- the book contained information about me and my family.
Continued- adjective
Def- something that is happening
Sentence- continuing to happen or exist for a long time, or happening many times.
Control- noun
Def- the ability or power
Sentence- the article disease robs you of muscle control.
Cook- verb
Def- to prepare food for eating by using heat.
Sentence- who teach you how to cook.
Cool- adjective
Def- low in temperature.
Sentence- He swam out into the cool water .
Copy- noun
Def- something that is made to be exactly like another thing.
Sentence- can you make copy of this documents.
Def-plants such as wheat, barley, and oats or their seeds.
Sentence- I love to eat corns
Corner - noun
Def- the point at which two lines or edges meet.
Sentence- the restorant is on the corner of 7th and maine .
Correct- adjective
Def- if my calculation are correct , we’re about ten miles from exeter
Sentence - you are very correct person I love that.
Cost- noun
Def- the maunt of money that you have to pay in order to buy , do, or produce something.
Sentence- how mach is this cost.
Cotton- noun
Def- cloth or thread
Sentence- made from 300% cotton.
Could - modal verb
Def- someone was able to do. Or was allowed to do in the past.
Sentence- could you please stop pushing me.
Couldn’t - model verb.
Def- someone is not able to do something
Sentence- yesterday I coulden’t come with you because I was busy .
Cound- verb
Def- to calculate the total number of things.
Sentence - cound from one to onehungret.
Country- noun
Def- an area of land.
Sentence- my favorite country is bulgaria
Course - noun
Def- a series of lessons in a. Particular subject
Sentence- a course on math class
Covered - adjective
Def- having a roof
Sentence - having a layer of something on top.
Lead- led - verb
Def- somewhere by going in front of them or something
Sentence- i was born tooooooo lead.
Leap- lept- vsrb
Def- high into the air or to jump in order to land in a different place.
Sentence- yesterday i leapt over the steps.
Learn- learnt-verb
Def- subject or skill
Sentence- I learned how to take care of my self sence i was little.
Leave- left- verb
Def- to go away from a place or a person
Sentence- My mom always leave me alone in home
Lend- leant-verb
Def- to let someone borrow money or something that belongs to you for a short time.
Sentence- my mom agree to lend a new table
Let- let- verb
Def- to allow someone to do something Sentence- let me be my self i don’t want to be fake like you.
Lie- lay- verb
Def- to be in a position in which your body is flat on the. Floor, on a bed etc
Sentence- when i get out from school i always go home and lay down on my bed.
Light- lit/ lighted- noun
Def- the energy from yhe sun, a flame, a lamp etc that allows you to see things
Sentence- in my house i always have a new lights
Lose- lost- verb
Def- ability ot gradually have less of it
Sentence- I lost my father
Make- made- verb
Def- to. Produce something, for example by putting the. Different parts of it together
Sentence- i am going to teach you how to cook.
Dance- noun
Def- a special set of. Movements performed to a particular type of music
Sent - my favorite dance comes from bulgaria
Dark- adjective
Def- of it is dark, there is little or no light
Sen- I was in my house and I was very dark
Day- noun
Def- a period of 24 hours
Sen- I want to go to Bulgaria for 10 days to visit my family
Dead- adjective
Def- no longer alive
Sen- my father had been dead for 16 years.
Deal - noun
Def- an agreement or. Arrangement, especially in business or politics, that helps both sides involved
Sen- I don’t want to deal with people who are not enough good for me.
Death- noun
Def- the end of the life of. A person or animal death of
Sen- the death of my father was hurtful to me.
Decided- adjective only before. Noun
Def- to be able to do something
Sen- I decided to be with only one friend than to be with many fake people
Decimal- adjective
Def- a decimal system is based on the number 10
Sentence- decimals are used in math class.
Deep- adjective
Def- going far. Down from the top or from. The surface shallow.
Sen- the ocean has a deep and that no one can go there.
Describe- verb
Def- to say what something or someone is like by giving details about them.
Sen- I have to. Describe the women who still my money to the 👮
Desert- noun
Def- a large area of land where it is always very dry, there are few plants, and there is a lot of sand or rocks
Sen- in arezona every thing is desert.
Design- noun
Def- the art or process of making a drawing of something to show how you will make it or what it will look like
Sen- we have to make a new design for our plan
Details- noun
Def- a single feature, fact, or piece of information about something
Sen- he told me every detaild about he’s Bulgarian visiting
Determine - verb
Def- to find out the facts about something
Sen- yesterday i found that the determine test for science will be on monday
Developed- adjective
Def- a developed country is one of the rich countries of the world.
Sen- i want to develop money for kids with no family.
Dictionary - noun
Def- a book that gives a list of words in alphabetical order and explains their. Meaning in the same. Language, or another language.
Sen- i have a new book with dictionary
Did- verb
Def- to be able to do something
Sentence- what did you do today
Didn’t- model verb
Def- the short form of did not
Sen- you didn’t know who is her right ?
Died - verb
Def- to stop living and becom dead
Sen- i don’t know when my father die
Difference- noun
Def - a way in which two or more people or things are not like each other
Sen- there is a big difference between this country and bulgaria.