TOLD Flashcards
What are the 7 factors that affect TO and LDG?
- Pressure altitude
- Surface wind
- Weight
- Flap setting
- Runway slope
- Temperature
Increasing temperature does what to takeoff distance?
Reduces acceleration and thus increases TO roll.
Increasing temperature does what to landing distance?
Higher temp increases landing TAS and increases landing distance.
How does increasing pressure altitude affect takeoff distance?
Thrust available decreases, TO TAS increases, increasing overall takeoff.
How does increasing pressure altitude affect landing distance?
Higher PA equals higher landing TAS and longer landing
An increase in headwind does what to takeoff distance?
decreases it
An increase in headwind does what to landing distance?
reduces the effective landing groundspeed and thus reduces the landing distance.
How does an increase in aircraft weight affect takeoff performance?
Decreases acceleration and increases the required IAS for liftoff requiring a longer takeoff roll.
How does an increase in aircraft weight affect landing performance?
The greater the weight the greater the kinetic energy you need to dissipate on landing roll, thus requiring a longer landing
How does lowering the wing flaps affect the takeoff performance in the T-38?
60% flaps significantly increase lift with minimal drag increase, allows aircraft to achieve the required lift at a much slower airspeed.
How does lowering the wing flaps affect landing performance?
Decreases aircraft stall speed and allows for a slower landing speed.
How does a runway upslope affect takeoff performance?
Decreases acceleration rate which results in a longer takeoff roll.
How does a runway upslope affect landing performance?
Increases the deceleration of the aircraft resulting in a shorter landing
How does a lower RCR affect the T-38 takeoff performance?
little to no effect
How does a lower RCR affect the T-38 landing performance?
Increases the lading distance due to the reduced friction
When should you plan to touchdown on the upwind side of the runwawy?
Crosswinds greater than 15 knots
Do you aerobrake in a crosswind landing?
Crosswind landing techniques can do what to you landing distance?
increase it by as much as 50%
Crosswind restrictions
Icy/Standing water
30 kts
20 kts
10 kts
Max crosswind for single ship touch and go
25 kts
If crosswind exceeds 15 kts including the gusts then the following restrictions apply
- No solo student takeoffs
- Airborne studs will land at alternate
- Min length for 60% and 100% flap T&G w/o barrier is 10,000.
- No flap T&G not permitted w/o barrier
- Formation TO & LDG are not permitted
Wing shear changes in VVI and airspeed
500 fpm
15 kts
2 types of LL wind shear?
VVI and Wind change associated with a microburst
6000 FPM
180* change up to 50 knots
Strongest wake turbulance is generated by aircraft that are?
heavy, clean and slow
Minimum wake turbulence behind large aircraft or heli?
2 Min
Minimum wake turbulence behind heavy aircraft?
4 min
Total dynamic hydroplaning speed?
non rotating tire hydroplaning speed?
125 kts
Takeoff Speed (TOS) def
the speed at which the main gear lift off the runway.
Single-Engine Taeoff Speed (SETOS)
Speed at which the aircraft is able to climb, once clear of ground effect, at a min of 100FPM with gear down, flaps 60%. Rotation is initiated at SETOS dueing a signle-engine takeoff. Min SETOS is 2 engine TOS
Takeoff Distance (TOD)
Distance in feet from brake release to maing gear liftoff
Normal Acceleration Check Speed (NACS)
The speed an average T-38C should reach at a specified check distance.
Minimum Acceleration Check Speed (MACS)
Min acceptable speed at teh check distance with which takeoff should be continued.
Refusal Speed (RS)
The max speed to which the aircraft is able to accelerate with both engines operative in MAX and with: about with both engines operating or abort with an engine failure.
Decision Speed (DS)
Min speed at which the aircraft is able to experience an instantaneous engine failure and still accelerate to SETOS and takeoff (approx: 700ft from start of rotation at SETOS) in the remaining runway.
Critical Engine Failure Speed (CEFS)
Speed to which and aircraft can accelerate with both engines, lose an engine, and permit either accel to SETOS and takeoff or deceleration to a stop in the same distance.
Critical Field Length (CFL)
Distance in which CEFS allows accel or decel in the same distance.
Landing distance (LD)
The distance required after main gear touchdown to slow the aircraft from landing speed to a safe taxi speed using normal braking.
Take-Off Run Available (TORA)
The length of runway declared available and suitable to the ground run of an airplane take-off
Take-Off Distance Available (TODA)
The length of the takeoff run plus the length of the clearway
Can you use TODA in planning?
Accelerate-Stop distance available (ASDA)
Runway plus stopway length declared available and suitable for the acceleration and deceleration of an airplane aborting a takeoff.