Tokugawa/Meiji Japan Flashcards
What was the role of the Peasants in the Tokugawa time period?
The largest social class which included farmers and fishermen. They had no political power and were only valued because of the food they produced for other classes. Often made material for textiles and paid their taxes with rice and work.
What event occurred in 1910?
Japan annexed Korea and made into an official colony until 1945, the end of WWII
What was the role of Merchants in the Tokugawa time period?
Sold goods and produce made by others. Very low social status and lived off the efforts of others. Not allowed to mix with other classes unless for business.
What was the structure of feudal Japan?
Emperor- figure head Shogun- warrior class Daimyo Samurai Ronin Peasants- 90% of Population Artisans Merchants- lowest class Eta- lowest of the low
What was Bunraku?
A theatrical performance underscored by music and acted out with puppets.
When did Japan become a Global Power?
What was Noh Theater?
A style of theatrical performance in which the performers wear over exaggerated masks.
What was the role of the Samurai in the Tokugawa time period?
Professional warriors who were loyal only to the Shogun and their respected Daimyo. They had high social status but close to no political power.
What was the punishment for violating Bushido?
Normally Death
What was Kabuki Theater?
Came into existence in 1603. In 1629 women were banned for performing and men were allowed to perform. “Unorthodox” or “Eccentric”.
Who were the Geisha?
“Companions” who worked in tea houses, brothels, and other areas of entertainment. Often prostitutes.
What was the Sino-Japanese war?
In 1894-1895, Japan fought with neighbor China over Korean territory. The Japanese won and the Treaty of Shimonoseki, in which Japan got ye territory of Taiwan and a piece of Manchuria.
What was the role of the Daimyo in the Tokugawa time period?
Part of the warrior class and the title means “Great Names”. Ran territories under the Shogun’s rules (governors), they were called Fudai or Tozama which mean inside or outside daimyo.
What was the role of the Emperor in the Tokugawa time period?
The Emperor was merely a figurehead under the Shogun’s clan. He was the religious leader and still is a part of modern day Japan.
What was the Treaty of Portsmouth?
Arranged by Teddy Roosevelt in 1905, in which Japan was back in Manchuria and Korea.
What changed from Tokugawa to Meiji Japan?
- Constitutional Monarchy Established
- Emperor and Prime Minister receive power and Shogun Abolished
- Daimyo (mostly) become Governors
- Citizens receive guaranteed political rights
- Class structure abolished
- Becomes Industrial
- No longer Isolated (war and expansion)
What were the 8 virtues of Bushido?
- A sense of justice and honor
- Courage and contempt for death
- Self control
- Sympathy towards all people
- Politeness and respect for etiquette
- Sincerity and respect for ones word of honor
- Absolute loyalty to ones superior
- A duty to defend the honor of ones name and guild
What was Bushido?
It was the code of conduct followed by samurai in order to maintain their honor. Very rigid rules to follow.
What was Seppuku?
The honorable way for a samurai to die. It was a way to atone for their mistakes by inserting a dirk (small knife) into their abdomen and slicing up without showing emotion while a friend (kaishaku) would decapitate them shortly after.
What was the role of the Eta in the Tokugawa time period?
Name meant “Full of Filth” and were the lowest in social class due to the Buddhist prohibitions against killing and Shinto concepts of nature. Were normally butchers, leather workers, grave diggers, tanners, and executioners.
What was the role of the Shogun in the Tokugawa time period?
He was the military as well as political leader of Japan. Highest in warrior (samurai) class. Technically higher than the Emperor. Clans fought for this status.
What was the Russo-Japanese war?
In 1904-1905, Japan went to war with Russia. Under a surprise attack, Japan won and wiped out the entire Russian fleet (38 ships!)
What was the role of the Artisans in the Tokugawa time period?
Craftspeople who made variety of products. Respected swords craftsmen. Had lower social power than peasants.
What was the role of the Ronin in the Tokugawa time period?
Wandering samurai with no Daimyo superior. They served as body guards and soldiers. They had low social class and no political power.
What event caused the rapid industrialization of Imperialist Japan and was the start of the Meiji period?
Millard Fillmore, President of the US in 1852, sent 4 warships headed by Commodore Mathew Perry to Japan. The US bullied Japan into a trade deal and became an ally of the US.
What country did Japan force trade with in the 1870’s?
In 1876 the Kangwha treaty was signed and unequal trade began.
What was “The Floating World”? Examples?
Forms of Entertainment and Pleasure. Samurai were forbidden to partake in these activities. Located in major Urban areas.
i.e. Teahouses, Theaters, Brothels, Public Baths