TOEFL Skills Week 5 Flashcards
Fluid* (n.)
Lava is a kind o fluid that oozes out of volcanoes.
Fossil* (n.)
Remains of an animal or plant preserved in stone.
Dinosaur fossils have enabled scientists to learn much about them.
Gene* (n.)
The basic unit of determining characteristics in a family.
Tina’s good genes kept her looking well into her 40.
Genre* (n.)
Group of similar things.
Drama is a popular genre of film.
Ghastly (adj.)
Death-like, pale, scary.
The ghastly horror movie caused me to lose sleep.
Glacier* (n.)
Enormous slow moving piece of ice.
Many pre-historic animals were preserved is glaciers.
Grumble (v.)
To complain.
I’m surprised! None of my students have grumbled about the TOEFL vocabulary quizzes!
Harass (v.)
To annoy, to create an unpleasant situation for someone.
The sexist boss was fired for harassing the woman in his office.
Hectic (adj.)
Very busy, fast-passed.
The hectic pace of life in New York is difficult to adjust to.
Hypothesis (n.)
Hypotheses (p)
Theory or idea.
Scientist are constantly testing their hypotheses.
Impediment (n.)
The only impediment to my success is my lack of money.
Indigenous (adj.)
The indigenous people of America suffered greatly at the hands of the English settlers.
Inhabit* (v.)
To live in a place.
The Native Americans inhabited North America Lon before the British arrived.
Insatiable (adj.)
Never satisfied.
He loved eating at buffet restaurants because of his insatiable appetite.
Intrepid (adj.)
The intrepid hunter followed he tiger very closely.