TOefl Skills Week 4 Flashcards
Enchant (v.)
Charm, delight.
The Christmas tree in the Rockefeller Center enchants visitors from all over the world.
Endeavor (v.)
To make an effort, to try very hard.
If you endeavor, you’ll succeed in English.
Endorse (v.)
To approve, to support a claim or statement, to sign.
The politician was endorsed by the environmental group.
Enthrall (v.)
To captivate, to hold the attention of.
The kitten was enthralled with the piece of string.
Entrepreneur (n.)
A person who starts or manages a business.
Epic (adj.)
Of unusually great size or extent.
The epic book “gone with the wind” is as popular today as 50 years ago.
Epoch (n.)
A distinctive period in the history of anything.
The signing of the treaty led to an epoch of peace.
Era (n.)
(See epoch)
Erosion (n.)
The presses by which the surface of the earth is worn away by Te action if waters, winds, etc.
Exploit (v.)
To use for selfish advantage or profit.
Workers are often exploited by their companies when they don’t have a union.
Extensive (adj.)
Far-reaching, thorough.
He Profesor received high praise for his extensive research.
Extol (v.)
To praise highly.
Many extol Harvard university as the best university in the US.
Flimsy (adj.)
Weak, easy to break.
The flimsy plastic pieces of my MP3 player broke within 2 months .
Fraud (n.)
A fake person, a deception.
He “physic” was sued for fraud when her predictions failed to come true.
Gaudy (adj.)
Too bright and showy.
Though I found Las Vegas to be gaudy, I certainly had fun.