Toddlerhood to School-Age - Developmental Milestones Flashcards
Run , pivot, walk backwards, and crawl upstairs
15 months
Walk upstairs with rails and run stiffly
18 months
Jump with both feet and run well; climb on furniture; walk up and down the stairs 1 step at a time
24 months
Jump forward and pedal a tricycle; goes upstairs with alternating feet
30 months
Ride a tricycle
3 years
Hop; throws ball overhead; use scissors to cut out pictures
4 years
5 years
Climb and run
7 years
Scribble spontaneously; make tower of 3 cubes
15 months
Imitate stroke on paper; make tower of 4 cubes
18 months
Imitate vertical lines; make tower of 7 cubes
24 months
Draw circle with series of perseverating lines; make tower of 9 cubes
30 months
Draw circle and a person with 2 body parts; make tower of 10 cubes
3 years
Draw a cross
3.5 - 4 years
Draw a square
4-4.5 years
Draw a triangle
5 years
Copy letters but reverse some of it; draw a person with 12 parts
6 years
Know right and left sides
7 years
Two-word phrases; follow 2-step commands; know full name
24 months
Speak 3-4 worded telegraphic sentences; understand prepositions
3 years
Understand concept of time; follow 3-step command; pronounce most of the sounds of the english alphabet except F, V, S, Z
5 years
Able to verbalize emotions; follow 3-serial commands
6 years
Cooperate when being dressed by putting out limbs; egocentric symbolic play; play simple ball game
12 months
Indicate some desires by pointing; imitate chores; hug parents
15 months
Feed self; seek help when in trouble; may complain when wet/soiled
18 months
Handle a spoon well; parallel play; toilet trained by day; listen to stories when shown pictures; often tell about immediate experiences
24 months
Help in simple tasks (e.g like putting things away); pretend in plat
30 months
Dress under supervision; wash hands
3 years
Dress independently/correctly; group play; go to toilet alone
4 years
Do simple errands and help in household chores; ask questions about meaning of words; engage in domestic role-playing
5 years
Dress up completely; tie shoelaces
6 years