Tocqueville, Souvenirs Flashcards
What are the main themes discussed in Tocqueville’s “Souvenirs”?
The themes include the city, freedom, social justice, violence, and conceptions of history.
Can you provide a brief summary of Tocqueville’s “Souvenirs”?
“Souvenirs” is Tocqueville’s autobiographical account detailing his experiences during the 1848 Revolution, focusing on the conflict between socialists and the bourgeoisie, leading to his departure from the ministry.
How does Tocqueville view the revolutions of 1848? Are they seen as singular or multiple?
Tocqueville sees the revolutions as both singular and multiple, considering them as a continuous series of events, almost like a long, constant revolution.
What are the causes of the 1848 Revolution according to Tocqueville?
Weak government, the unpreparedness and weakness of Louis-Philippe, and the passivity of the king.
What were the consequences of the 1848 Revolution, particularly regarding post-revolution tranquility and the bourgeoisie?
The post-revolution period was relatively calm, lacking significant violence. The bourgeoisie had little to fear as it wasn’t an obvious target due to its exclusivity and disdain, rather than being perceived as violent, corrupt, or hateful.
According to Tocqueville, why was the bourgeoisie not an obvious target for the revolutionaries?
The bourgeoisie, lacking a common identity, was almost “invisible to those who want to strike it when it no longer governs.”
How does Tocqueville characterize the socialist aspect of the revolution, considering his own political stance?
Tocqueville, being liberal, views socialism as the goal of the revolution and identifies the main battleground as the private property.