Tobacco Flashcards
Overall, what is the trend in the prevalence of cigarette smoking since 2019?
Cigarette smoking has been decreasing since 2019.
The percentage of men smoking is higher among all age groups
Ture or False; the percentage of females who have never smoked a whole cigarette is lower than males.
False: percentage of females NEVER SMOKED is higher than males, since males smoke more than women.
What is the health gap in smoking by income?
Poorer Canadians are smoking more than richer Canadians.
True of False; smoking can only damage your lungs or respiratory system.
False; smoking can damage all parts of your body
List the risks of smoking:
Damages liver —> diabetes
Congenital defects from maternal smoking (cleft lip)
Rheumatoid arthritis
Ectopic pregnancy
Male erectile dysfunction
Damage to immune function
What are males and females at increased risk of when smoking?
- cervical cancer
- menstrual problems
- fertility problems
- low birth weight baby
- premature birth
Males: erectile dysfunction
True or False; there is a safe level of exposure to second hand smoking
Why are children especially at risk for second-hand smoking?
Their respiratory and immune systems are still developing
Infants exposed to second hand smoking are at increased risk for…?
Sudden Infant Death (dying while sleeping)
What is an interesting risk of second-hand smoking for children in addition to respiratory illnesses, asthma attacks, decreased lung function and phlegm?
Ear infection
According to the Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey results, when or at what age are people most likely to start using tobacco products? Why?
During adolescence; flavours (like candies) make the products more appealing
How is the trend in the use of tobacco products similar to cigarette smoking trends in or since 2019?
Like cigarette smoking, the use of tobacco products has been declining since 2019
True or False; the risks from tobacco products is the same as cigarette smoking.
What is vaping?
Inhaling or exhaling vapour from a device (like electronic cigarette) that heats a liquid into an aerosol or vapour or gas.
List some vaping devices:
vape pods
tank systems
ENDS (electronic nicotine delivery systems)