To Kill A Mockingbird Vocab Flashcards
Taciturn (adj)
Disinclined to talk; silent.
Assuaged (v)
Made less severe or burdensome
Malevolent (adj)
Having or exhibiting hatred
Piety (n)
Religious devotion and reverence to God
Indigenous (adj)
Occurring or living naturally in an area
Abominable (adj)
Detestable, unpleasant
Amiable (adj)
Pleasant, good-natured
Auspicious (adj)
Presenting favourable circumstances
Contentious (adj)
Tending to fight, quarrelsome
Fractious (adj)
Inclined to make trouble; unruly
Benign (adj)
Compassionate; incapable of causing harm
Obliged (adj)
Under force of necessity; obligated
Prowess (n)
Superior skill or ability; strength or courage
Tacit (adj)
Unspoken; understood without being expressed
Aberrations (n)
Deviations from the proper course
Accosted (adj)
Approached in a harsh manner; assaulted
Ascertaining (v)
Discovering with certainty; determining
Cleaved (adj)
Adhered to closely; clung to
Vigil (n)
Wakefulness maintainer in reverence to another person, usually after a person’s death
Analogous (adj)
Possessing connections; similarities
Contemporaries (n)
Those who exist/live at the same time
Inconspicuous (adj)
Not noticeable or prominent
Ingenious (adj)
Characterized by cleverness or originality
Mausoleum (n)
A magnificent, decorated tomb
Bewilderment (n)
Condition of being confused