TMU School 2023 Flashcards
When may troopers use force?
When under the totality of the circumstances, the force is reasonable, necessary, and proportional to prevent an imminent threat of physical injury to a person OR accomplish a legitimate law enforcement objective.
Deadly Force
Force which is intended to cause death or serious physical injury or which creates some specified degree of risk that a reasonable and prudent person would consider likely to cause death or serious physical injury.
Acceptable circumstances to shoot at or from a moving vehicle
a. An immediate threat of death or serious physical injury to the trooper or another person, by a person in the vehicle using means other than the vehicle
b. A situation where the trooper or other person is on foot in the path of the vehicle and cannot move to safety.
Troopers may discharge a firearm:
- When deadly force is permitted in accordance with OPS 10.03
- To kill a dangerous animal that is jeopardizing the safety of the public or a trooper
- To kill an injured wild animal to relieve its suffering
- To give an alarm or call for assistance when no other means is available
- When used in practice on a firing range
- To kill an injured domesticated animal to relieve its suffering, if the trooper has:
a. The consent of the owner
b. Been requested to do so by a veterinarian
c. Made a reasonable attempt to locate the owner and has failed
and a veterinarian is not readily available
Firearms use prohibited
- As a warning
- From a moving vehicle (exceptions on other card)
Show of force
Pointing a firearm, ECW, or less lethal launcher at a person. A form 72 must be completed in BlueTeam
Impaled ECW dart removal
-Dart to head, neck, hands, feet, or genitals must be stabilized and evaluated by physician.
-Barb extrication may be attempted once, as long as barb is not buried to the hub or in the above locations
-all patients receiving electrical intervention must be evaluated in ER
Individual use staple dispensers
Facilitates closure of wounds
Contraindications: contaminated wounds, wounds with foreign material
Greater than 6 hours post injury, less tahn 2 hours to definitive care.
Precautions: standard universal precautions for wound care
Dosage: single or multiple dressings applied for wound closure PER MD
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
25-50 mg tablets
Sedating antihistamine
For allergic symptoms
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Precautions: HTN, liver/kidney disease
Side effects: dry mouth, urinary retention, somnolence
Dosage: 25-50 mg every 4-6 hours PER MD
Dexamethasone (Decadron)
PO or IV/IM, tablets
Corticosteroid, anti-inflammatory
For allergic reaction, auto-immune condition, PER MD
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Precautions: PUD/GERD/GI bleed Hx.
Side effects: GI upset, nausea
Dosage: 10 mg once daily, PER MD
Albuterol MDI
NON-OPERATIONAL (without MD consult)
0.83 mcg MDI
For respiratory distress/bronchospasm
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Precautions: standard universal precautions for respiratory patient
Dosage: (2) puffs, may be repeated 2 additional times. Additional doses PER MD
Naproxen (Aleve/Naprosyn) PO
Tablet: 220/375/500 mg
For mild to moderate pain
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, renal insufficiency, PUD/GERD/GI bleed Hx
Precautions: do not use with other NSAIDs, caution steroid use
Side effects: GI upset, nausea, GI bleed risk
Dosage: 220-500 mg every 12 hours
Triple antibiotic ointment (Bacitracin/Polymyxin/Neomycin)
Topical ointment
Polypeptide antibiotic
Indicated PER MD for infectious exposures
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Topical use only
Side effects: Local irritation, GI upset
Dosage: Apply to scrapes, burns, wounds prior to sterile dressing
Oxymetazoline nasal spray (Afrin)
Nasal spray 0.05%
Nasal vasoconstriction, decongestant
For rhinorrhea, sinus congestion, pain
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Precautions: HTN
Side effects: minor nosebleed, often used to treat nosebleed
Dosage: 2x sprays per nare, 2-3 times a day
Cyanoacrylate adhesive (Dermabond)
Single use ampule
Tissue adhesive
For minor trauma
Contraindication: hypersensitivity
Precautions: avoid near eyes
Side effect: transient local discomfort
Dosage: as required for wound closure, 2-4 layered applications
Acetaminophen (PO)
Tablet: 325 and 500 mg
Pain medication
For mild-moderate pain
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, liver disease, PUD/GERD/GI bleed Hx.
Side effects: GI upset
Dosage: 650-1000 mg/ 6 hours
Caffeine (No-Doz)
200 mg tablet
Enhances alertness
For caffeine withdrawal headache, to facilitate functioning with limited rest periods
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Side effects: insomnia
Dosage: 200 mg every 3-4 hours as needed
Sore throat losenge
Dose: 1 tablet
Cetrizine (Zyrtec)
10 mg tablet
Non-sedating antihistamine
For allergic symptoms
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Precautions: HTN, liver/kidney disease
Side effects: dry mouth, urine retention
Dosage: 10 mg daily
Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)
Unsure of operational status- contact med control
“Flexeril”- Centrally acting muscle relaxer
10 mg tablets
Side effects: headache, drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth. Poss. arrhythmia.
Interactions: Do not use ICW MAO inhibitors. Use caustion with CNS depressants.
Medical control (15-30 mg PO)
Tension headache, migraine relief
2 caplets every 6 hours
Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil)
200 mg tablet (OTC), 100 mg/5 mL suspension, 600 and 800 mg tablets
For mild to moderate pain
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, renal insufficiency, PUD/GERD/GI bleed Hx
Precautions: do not use with other NSAIDs, caution steroid use
Side effects: GI upset, nausea, GI bleed risk
Dosage: 400-600 mg/4-6 hours
600-800 mg/6-8 hours
Loperamide (Imodium)
2 mg tablet or 1 mg/5 mL suspension
For diarrhea
Contraindication: Known hypersensitivity, HTN, bloody diarrhea
Side effects: ENT Dryness
Dosage: 4 mg first dose, 2 mg each subsequent dose until stool formed, 16 mg max per day
5-HT3 Antagonist (Zofran)
IV/IM injectable, tablets
Anti-emetic, anti-motion sickness
For nausea/vomiting
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
Precautions: Long QT
Dosage: PER MD
H2 antagonist
20 mg 1-2x per day
Prednisone (PO)
PO, (1/5/10/20/50 mg) tablets
Corticosteroid, anti-inflammatory
For allergic reaction, auto immune condition, PER MD
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Precautions: PUD/GERD/GI bleed Hx.
Side effects: GI upset, nausea
Dosage: 40 mg to 60 mg once daily PER MD
Modafinil (Provigil)
200 mg tablet
Enhances alertness/concentration
For facilitating functioning with limited rest periods
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Side effects: Insomnia, mild BP elevation
Dosage: 200 mg once daily
Pseudoephidrine (Sudafed)
30 or 60 mg tablet
For nasal congestion/rhinorrhea
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, HTN
Side effect: insomnia
Dosage: 30-60 mg every 4-6 hours
Tramadol (Ultram) PO
OPERATIONAL (with no side effects)
50 and 100 mg tablets
Pain medication
For moderate to moderately severe pain
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, seizure disorder, SSRI/TCA/MAOI use, renal/hepatic insufficiency (adjust dose)
Precautions: use care with opiate use
Side effects: dizziness/nausea
Interactions: antidepressants, antipsychotics, warfarin, digoxin, tegretol, quinidine
Dosage: 50-100 mg every 4-6 hours, 400 mg/day max
Calcium carbonate and table sugar
GERD, indigestion
1-2 tablets
No-knock warrant times
0800-1900 hours
No knock search warrant
a search warrant that authorizes the executing law enforcement officer to
enter a building, apartment, premises, place or thing to be searched without giving notice of the officer’s
authority or purpose.
Swat Team
a special unit composed of two or more police officers with a law enforcement agency
trained to deal with unusually dangerous or violent situations and having special equipment and
weapons, including rifles more powerful than those carried by regular police officers
No-knock requirements
-must have approval from D-sergeant or above
-need to have SA approval
-Must show reasonable suspicion that the life or safety of executing officer or other person is endangered
-No knock warrants may only be served by STATE, unless specifically trained and authorized by SOD commander
Search warrant execution paperwork
-Operations plan
-Form 36 (threat risk for search warrant service)
Score indicates if STATE is optional, consult with STATE commander, or if STATE is manditory.
Form 98, search warrant inventory report/return
Minimum wait time for response to door
Must wait 20 seconds unless a no-knock warrant has been issued (absent exigent circumstances)
End of TEMS Protocol
Once patient is removed from the law enforcement perimeter of operations.
(Exception: when TEMS specialized training is required for specific illness or injury)
SYSCOM Phone number