TMT quotes Flashcards
“were it for hoolinesse or
for dotage,/ I kan nat seye”
merchant doesnt know why J married
“for wedlok is so esy and so
clene,/ That in this world it is a paradis”
“whan a man is oold and hoor;/ thanne
is a wyf the fruit of his tresor”
“A trewe servant dooth
more diligence/ Thy good to kepe, than thyn owene wyf”
servant more useful than wife
becomes ironic
“A wyf is Goddes
yifte verraily”
“Marriage is a ful
greet sacrament”
“That wyf is mannes helpe
and his confort;/ His paradis terrestre
“She setth nat ones ‘nay’, whan he saith
‘ye’./ ‘Do this’, seith he; ‘Al redy sire,’ sieth she.”
description on biblical wives
“good conseil”
“I have my body folily despended;/ blessed be God that
it shal been amended/ For I will be, certeyn a wedded man”
“She shal not passe
twenty yeer, certain;/ Oold fissh and yong flessh wolde I have ful fain”
“Right as men may
warm wex with handes plye”
“Than that myn heritage
sholde falle/ In straunge hands”
“I holde youre owene
conseil is the beste.”
Placebo just agreeing with January
Chaucer criticising lack of debate in court
“The youngest man in all this route/ is
bisy ynough to bringen it aboute / To han his wife alone”
“tooke a mirour, polisshed bright,/ And
sette it in a commune market-place,/ Thanne sholde he se ful many a figure pace/ By his mirour”
“for love is blind
alday, and may nat see”
“her middel smal, hire
armes longe and sklendre”
“she may be youre
“every scrit
and bond”
“whan tendre youthe hath wedded
stouping age,/ ther is swich mirthe than it may nat be writen.”
“Januarie is ravisshed
in a traunce”
“he that night in armes would hire
streyne,/ Harder than ever Paris did Eleyne”
sinister and brutal idea of sex
ironic comaprison
“Al my corage, it is
so sharp and keene”
“Venus hurt him
with hire brond”
“O servant
“Lyk to the naddre
in bosom sly untrewe”
“The bride was broght abedde
as stille as stoon”
“thus laboureth he
til that the day gan dawe”
sex w J
“the slakke skin aboute
his nekke shaketh”
“she preyseth nat his pleying
worth a bene”
silent May
how is May repeatedly described?
“so brenneth that he dieth
for desir […] privly a penner gan he borwe”
“He is a gentil squire […] he is wys, discreet and as
secree/ as any man I woot of his degree/ And therto manly adn eek servisable”
“in the privee
softley it caste”
“he preyde hire strepen
hire al naked”
“Though he namoore
hadde than his sherte”
“she taketh him by the hand, and
harde him twiste so secreky that. no wicht of it wiste”
“is woxen
blind, and that al sodeynly”
“in warm wex hath emprented
the cliket/ That Januarie bar of the smale wiket”
“if I do that lak/ Do strepe me and put me
in a sak,/ And in the nexte river do me drenche”
“singeth ful murier than
the papejay”
blindly happy
“honde on
hire alway”
“a womman in my plit/ May
han to fruit for greet an appetit”
using pregnancy to manipulate
“gan pullen up the smok
and in he throng”
“up eh yaf a roring and a cry,/ As
dooth the mooder when the child shal die”
J reaction to seeing May in tree
making fun of age difference
“and on hire wombe he
stroketh hire ful softe”