tempest plays Flashcards
1667 Dryden
restoration audience
held a special appeal to elite
1674 Shadwell
operatic elements added
elaborate effects
1838 Macready
storm scene and masque had become fixed theatrical traditions
Caliban more monstrous than comic
1873 Wilson
Caliban = missing link
Darwinian realisation of the link between men and apes
sympathises with caliban
Frank Benson watched monkeys to prepare for role
1904 Beerbohm
Caliban = ape fascinated with music of the island
Prospero burdened with task of civilising a native servant monster
native intellectually inferior
1930s Cesaire
rewritten from Caliban’s pov
plight of african slaves from Martinique
Ariel is mulatto slave
1932 Dover essay
reflects shakespeare’s retirement
found happiness in miranda reflecting rel of shakespeare and his daughter
1936 Murry essay
most symbolic of shakespeare’s plays
P = imaginative paradigm of shakespeare
shakespeares self-awareness at the end of his career
Mannoni 1950
play used to explain psychological causes and effects of colonialisation
1970 Mermaid theatre
perspective of colonialism
ariel planning to take control when colonialists left
ariel educated slave, caliban uneducated
ariel picks up Ps broken staff and threatens Caliban
1978 Strehler
prospero stage manager
metaphor for the theatre
blue sheets to represent sea + sound and lighting effects
clipping ariels wings sets him free
1979 Jarman film
P perversely enjoy his enslavement of ariel
1982 Mazursky film
Greek island
Caliban = local goatherd = always connected to land
storm scene = metaphor for tormented state of mind
1984 Cobb essay
caliban and ariel part of P’s own nature
ariel = embodiment of magicians desire for reconciliation
Ferdinand and Mirandas relationship symobolic of synthesis of opposities
at end of play P enters a new relationship with the feminine, emotional part of his personality
1993 Mendes production
Ariel control island and P imposing
ariel equal to P
trinculo = ventriloquist
ariel gets angry when made aware of slave status , spits in Ps face
tomboy miranda
1997 Beier production
all actors spoke different languages
1998 Noble production
freudian interpretation
ariel and caliban elements of P’s subconcious
ariel in white paint
caliban in black slime
2002 RSC
very colonialism and race based and focused
2010 Taymor film
Prospero as girl - Prospera
‘comment on women’s empowerment’
right wing feminist position - links masculine sexualisation of women with a moral corruption
2011 play USA
banned from classrooms in arizona
to avoid discussions of colonisation, race..
2013 Herrin play at Globe
shows Propsero on a platform
2017 RSC
miranda angry
lots of lighting
trinculo interacts with audience
humanism beliefs and where seen?
man takes centre stage
man in centre not God
modern humanism beliefs
seeing world as a natural place
advocate for compassion and fairness