TMT Delusion/deception Flashcards
To take a wif…
To take a wif is a glorious thing
- The merchant had just condemned marriage but starts his tale by condoning it; success
of the tale depends upon the audience accepting this deception and believing that our
narrator is, now, an enthusiastic fan of marriage
Lo, whiche sleights…
Lo, whiche sleights and subtilitees in women been
- (look what tricks & treachery are in women) May’s morals are questionable & lacks loyalty to her husband as she succeeds in deceiving him & escapes consequences for her betrayal
Hans of the…
Han of the peres…in my plit
- may using deceit to achieve freedom to act how she wishes, asking for pears & implying she is pregnant, makes januarie act as her provider & continues to cheat on him - freeing herself to fulfil her own sexual desires
In warm wex hath…
In warm wex hath emprented the cliket
- may manages to max a wax impression of the key to the gate of garden, she begins to actively deceive januarie
- translates to enchanting, enhances the idea of a fantasy wife, januarie’s conviction that may is the perfect wife means it is easier for her to commit acts in secrecy
Heigh fantasye and…
Heigh fantasye and curious bisynesse/fro day to day gan in the souls impresse
- emphasis on fantasy/delusion
He gan pullen up…
He gan pullen up the smok and in he throng
- may & Damyan delude themselves into believing that theirs is a courtly romance
Tendre youth…
Tendre youth & stomping age
- grotesque imagery highlighting the contrast between them
For love is blind alday…
For love is blind alday and may nat see
- januarie is blind to may’s faults, physically & metaphorically
- doubling meaning of fruitfulness (being pregnant) & forbidden fruit (sexual reference), biblical reference, women as deceptive, use of fruit symbolises eve eating it & being a temptress to Adam, women use seduction & sexuality to confuse men