SSTC Love Flashcards
I can have no happiness…
I can have no happiness but what’s in your power to grant me (kneeling)
- marlow falls in love with kate, suggestive of marriage
Suppose I should call for…
Suppose I should call for a taste… of the nectar of your lips
- marlow being outgoing when thinking kate is a maid
I never saw anyone…
never saw anyone so modest
- kate’s view on marlow
I’m surprised that one…
I’m surprsied that one who is so warm a friend can be so cool a lover
- hastings commenting on marlow’s inability to talk to upper class women
Didn’t you see…
Didn’t you see the tempting, brisk, lovely, little thing that runs about the house
- marlow
She’s mine…
She’s mine, she must be mine
- marlow
I vow child…
I vow child, you are vastly handsome
- marlow upon seeing kate
Your beauty…
Your beauty at first caught my eye
- marlow
A reserved lover…
A reserved lover, it is said, always makes a suspicious husband
- Kate