TMJ & Oral Mucosa Flashcards
Describe the condyle process
- Wider mesiodistally than anteroposteriorly
- Rounded posteriorly, concave anteromedially (pterygoid fovea, where inf. head of lat. pterygoid attach)
- The superior anterior aspect (articular surface) is slightly convex
* The condyle and the articular tubercle are covered by fibrous C.T
The articular disc is attached to …….
The …… muscle is attached to the disc
the articular tubercle (eminence) & laterally to the condyle head
* Superior head of the lateral pterygoid is inserted into the disc
Describe the condyle movement during the following
- retrusive movement
- protrusive movement
- lateral movment
- lateral protrusive movement
- both condyles move backward & upward into the mandibular fossa
- both condyles move downward and forward on the eminence
- working side: mere rotation. non working side: forward, downward & medially
- working side: rotation & forward/downward. non working side: forward, downward & medially
All teeth are inclined to a certain degree. T/F??
All teeth are facially inclined except …..
- Mand. second premolar (straightest tooth in relation to the occlusal plane)
- Mand. molars (lingual tilt)
The tooth with the greatest facial tilt is ……..
Max. central incisor
* followed by Max. lateral incisor, and Mand. incisors
The tooth with the greatest mesial tilt is …..
the Max. canine
All teeth have some degree of mesial tilt, except ……
Max. central, and Mand. incisors (which are distally tilted)
* The premolars are not tilted
- Curve of Spee
2. Curve of Wilson
- Anterior posterior relation of teeth view from lateral aspect (Convex for Max., concave for Mand.)
- The tilting of the Max. teeth facially and the Mand. teeth lingually gives a convex Max. profile & a concave Mand. profile when view from the front
All Mand. roots are tilted ……. & the posterior Mand. are angled ……..
All Max. roots are tilted ….. & all posterior roots are inclined …….. except …..
lingually, except the DB root of the Max. first molar (buccal tilt)
Posselet envelop defines ……
the borderline (extent) movement of the mandible.
In most of the population, IC (centric occlusion) is about ……. anterior to the RC (centric relation)
- 25 mm
* From IC to RC, the mandible moves downward & posteriorly
* See p. 749
The mandible is capable of two opening movement while in the retruded position, …… & …….
- Pure rotational: the first 20 mm separation, then the ligament become taut
- Translational movement: after relaxation of the ligament, the condyle moves down the articular eminence. This movement occur in regular mouth opening
The line that connects the maximum opening to the protruded contact position is ……..
protrusive opening path
Freeway space is …….
the distance from IC to RP (resting position). It is about 3 mm
* The mandible is in postural position
The oral mucosa is composed of ……
The oral mucosa is two types:
surface epithelium & lamina propria
- Beneath the mucosa comes the submucosa
1. Keratinized: not present normally except the masticatory mucosa or irritation
2. Non keratinized
Non Keratinized mucosa lacks……..
It is composed of ….. & …….
stratum granulosum & stratum corneum
- Composed only of
1. Stratum basale
2. Stratum spinosum (large area, since the other two are not present)
Basement membrane (lamina) is located between ......... & ........ It is composed of two layers:
the epithelium & lamina propria
- Two layers:
1. Lamina lucida: Beneath the epithelium
2. Lamina densa: Beneath lucida. Connects the above layers to lamina propria
The basal cell layer is ……..
a single layer of nucleated cuboidal cells resting on the basement lamina
* It is the mitotic layer
The spinosum cell layer (prickle layer) is …..
composed of nucleated polyhydral cells, larger in non keratinized epithelium. Towards the surface, the cells flatten
* The term prickle cell is caused by fixative, due to pulling of the cell membrane from adjacent cells, while the desmosomal attachment remains intact
Stratum granulosum is ……..
a layer of flattened cells, contain “keratohyaline”
Stratum lucidum appears in …….
thick skin (soles) and not in the oral mucosa
Stratum corneum is composed of ……
cells that have lost their nuclei & filled with keratin
There is no keratinization potential in mucosa that abuts …….
against a hard surface (not subject to irritation)
* example is sulcular epithelium
Lamina propria is ………
Its extensions in the mucosa is called ……
LP rests on ……..
dense CT
* In turn, epithelium has rete pegs extension into the propria
* Submucosa
Vermilion border is …..
transition zone between the mucous membrane & the skin of the lip
- Non keratinized, with long papillae close to surface (giving red color) and few sebaceous glands
- Note that: the skin of lip is keratinized, short papillae with sebaceous & sweat glands & hair
In the masticatory epithelium, submucosa is ….., and the lamina propria is …. The exception is ……
indistinguishable (thin or absent)
fused to periosteum
hard palate (has definite submucosa, except for the raphe)
What is the difference between orthokeratinized & parakeratinized mucosa?
- ortho: have true keratin (like skin epithelium)
2. para: keratinized cells retain their nuclei
Masticatory mucosa is immovable because ….
lamina propria (distinguishable or not) is firmly attached by fibrous bands to the periosteum
The submucosa in the palate has …… anteriorly & ……. posteriorly
adipose tissue
adipose tissue & glands posteriorly
Junctional epithelium is ….
non kertinized epithelium which lies at the base of the gingival sulcus, and is attached to the surface of the tooth with hemidesmosomes at the CEJ level
- Roughly 1 mm in width
- Lacks rete ridges, that is why susceptible to break down by bacteria
Lining mucosa covering muscles are fixed to …..
epimysium or fascia of respective muscles
Non masticatory mucosa covers …..
soft palate, ventral surface of tongue, floor of the mouth, cheek, lip, some of the free gingiva, and the alveolar mucosa
What are the differences between attached gingiva (ag) & alveolar mucosa (am)?
- ag: stippled & firm. am: thin & loosely attached
- ag: no separate submucosa. am: submucosa is well defined
- ag: immovable. am: movable
- ag: no glands. am: full of glands
- ag: epi thick and keratinized. am: thin & non keratinized
- ag: high epi ridges. am: low epi ridges