Tmj Flashcards
Gengelymus and arthroidal
Back and forth hinging and gliding
Borders of glenoid fossa
Borders : glenoid fossa is limited 1- Anteriorly : by articular eminence . 2- Posteriorly : Squamo-tympanic fissure . 3- Medially : Spine of Sphenoid . 4- Laterally : root of zygomatic process
Bands of the disc
1- anterior band : split into superior , inferior lamellae 2- Intermediate band : it’s the thinnest central part which is avascular , insensitive . 3- Posterior band : the disk split into superior ( retrodiscal pad ) , inferior lamellae
Attachment of posterior superior lamella
Superior lamellae ( retrodiscal pad ) : attached to capsular ligament, to the posterior wall of the glenoid fossa , Squamous tympanic fissure
Med and lat attachment of capsule
- Medially & Laterally : Blend with the articular capsule , then both are blend with medial , lateral wall of the condyle , so the disk , condyle move as one unit
Inner surface of duct capsule
1- Inner surface is smooth , glistering due to presence of
synovial membrane and its considered an extension of disk.
Attachment of the capsule
1- Anteriorly : to articular eminence 2- Posteriorly : to Squamo-tympanic fissure . 3- Superiorly : to Glenoid fossa . 4- Inferiorly : to Neck of the condyle . 5 , 6 - Medially , laterally : Blend with the articular disk , then both are blend with medial , lateral wall of the condyle.
NB: its firmly attached to the neck (below the disk ) & loosely attached to the glenoid fossa ( above the disk ) to allow the translition movement
Function of lat tempro mandibular ligament
- Function : restrict the displacement of the mandible in 3 different planes 1. It prevents the lateral dislocation of one joint , so prevent the mesial dislocation of the other side . 2. It prevents or limits the posterior displacement by horizontal component . 3. It Limits the inferior movement by oblique component
Collateral ligament
‘’ primary ‘’ : - Site : medial and lateral ligaments between the condyle and disc to be moved as one unit.
What is not covered by synovial membrane
Synovial membrane doesn’t cover the articular disk except for the posterior bi-laminar region
and doesn’t cover the articulating surfaces
راجع من المزكرة
Arterial and venous supply of tmj
- Arterial supply : deep auricular , super-facial temporal branches of the maxillary artery
3- Venous Supply : Pterogoid plexus of viens
Sensory supply of tmj
Sensory supply : Auriculo-temporal , Massetric branches of mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve
Proprioceptor of tmj
1- Ruffini endings : Static mechanoreceptors which position the mandible . 2- Pacinican corpuscles : Dynamic mechanoreceptors . 3- Golgi-tendon organs : Static mechanoreceptors for protection of ligaments around TMj 4- Free nerve ending : the pain receptors for protection of the TMJ itself . 3. Motor supply : to joint muscles
Ankylosis cause
Trauma or infection
Myo-facial pain dysfunction
syndrome: - Def. : dysfunction of TMJ in which there is masticatory muscle tenderness , limited opening of mandible and joint sounds
… - Site : female more than males . . - cause : stress or spasm of masticatory muslces
. Injuries and trauma of tmj
: - causes : 1- local distrubance of normal antomic relation between condyle, disc . 2- part of generalized systemic disease
Other clinical considerations
- Bruxism . 10. aplasia
- Disk perforation. 11. hypoplasia
- disharmony in the relation of teeth , TMJ . 12. hyperplasia
Example of primary and 2ry joint
costochondral joint is primary
pubic symphysis