TLR/Performance Flashcards
What is the purpose of the TLR-# and SEQ-# in the TLR Header?
How long is TAKEOFF DATA portion of datalink performance available?
These are unique identifiers given to each TLR which is used by Aerodata.
- Available for 8 hours then dispatcher may request a new TLR to reset 8 hour window.
TRUE or FALSE - The TAKEOFF DATA area of the TLR is only used for the dispatcher’s planned conditions?
The TAKEOFF DATA is void if the actual OAT is more than?
10C BELOW POAT (Exceeds)
IE: The dispatcher planned an OAT of 16C; the data is void if actual OAT is colder than 6C
The TAKEOFF DATA is void if the actual QNH is more than?
0.10” below PQNH (Exceeds)
IE: The dispatcher planned a QNH of 30.10”; the data is void if actual QNH is lower than 30.00”
If the TAKEOFF DATA is void, what are our options?
A new TLR can be generated or the dispatcher can do a live calculation to provide the crew takeoff data.
What PACKS setting is default for the PMRTW of the TLR Header?
What is the PMRTW?
- This is the max takeoff weight, from the planned runway, as limited by climb, field, obstacle, brake, and tire limits - whichever is most restrictive.
The PMRTW does not considered what conditions?
Max landing weight and planned fuel burn
What is PTOW and where is it used in the TLR?
- It is the weight used in the initial Takeoff Performance Section. A subsequent section is provided for weight increases. Example: for PTOW plus up to 10,000kg
What is MFPTW?
- The max takeoff weight for which the flight plan is valid considering ALL A/C PERFORMANCE LIMITS and MAX LANDING WEIGHT + FUEL BURN.
What should be done if actual TOW exceeds MFPTW?
Contact dispatch to determine if new calculations can be performed to increase the MFPTW.
- This is why a Takeoff Data Revision area is included on the TLR.
Where would DDG related performance items be found on the TLR?
In the RMKS Area (Remarks)
The PMTOW number(s) in the RUNWAY INFO section are based on what number(s) from the TAKEOFF DATA section?
- Don’t be confused by this. Even though it’s RUNWAY INFO, the PMTOW is based on planned MFPTW which includes max landing weight + fuel burn.
What are the 3 types of EFPs?
- Simple
- Special
- Complex
What is the EO ACCEL HT for all simple EFPs?
1000’ AGL
How is the EO ACCEL HT determined for Special and Complex procedures?
Subtract the respective airport elevation from the FRA in the SPECIAL ENG FAIL section.
What is the significance of NOTAMS listed in the RUNWAY INFO section?
If shown, performance restrictions are already taken into account by Aerodata.
What does is significance of the following example from the TURN column of SPECIAL ENG FAIL section
The “-“ that precedes the the turn direction means the crew must refer to the text below the procedure for additional info and/or alternate procedures.
Where are Complex engine failure procedures listed?
They will be included in the Briefing Package. They are too complex to write in a TLR format.
When is the LANDING DATA of the TLR void with regards to the PQNH?
If actual QNH is more than 0.10” below PQNH.
What are our options if LANDING DATA of TLR is void?
Crew can use the QRH charts to determine landing distance or contact the dispatcher for a live calculation.
What is the PMRLW?
- This is the maximum landing weight, to the planned runway, as limited by approach climb, landing climb, and field limits, whichever is most restrictive.
What is the default PACKS setting used for PMRLW?
All LANDING DATA on the TLR is for what FLAPS setting?
What does the following example from the LANDING PERFORMANCE section indicate?
MLW on a dry runway on left side of hash,
MLW on a wet/low viz runway on right side of hash
What do limit codes of B, C, F, and T represent?
B - Brake Limit
C - Climb Limit
F - Field Limit
T - Tire Limit
Why are 15PCT FACTOR LDG DIST sections included in our TLRs?
To comply with Regulation recommendations. The distances are shown in feet and are calculated using a flare distance of 1500’ while factoring the autobrake landing distance by 1.15.
What distance should we add to LDG DIST if using AUTOLAND?
1000’ (Per Limitations)
With respect to weight, what three conditions will void a TLR?
- If actual TOW is greater than PTOW + 10,000KG or MPFTW
- If actual ZFW is greater than the OFP ZFW + 10,000KG
- Performance related DDG item omitted.
Where can we find what type of engines are equipped on A/C?
Flight Plan, TLR, CDU
When is the MT value entered into the FMC as assumed temperature?
When the CONFIG is D-TO 2, D-TO 1, or D-TO. The “D” indicates assumed temperature and is designed to match the Thrust Reference Mode only.
MT is the maximum temperature for which takeoff is allowed.
Which A/C have a variable ZFW? What’s the range of the VZFW?
- Nose Loaders in Atlas Colors (No POLAR)
- 276,691kg to 288,031kg
Variable ZFW coincides with which respective zone on the W&B chart?
Zone 4
What is the significance of zone #2 on the W&B chart?
Falls within the Low Gross Weight/AFT CG Takeoff Procedures found in SP Procedures, FCOM VOL 1
- Read the note on the chart
Where are MU Values found?
Back of the QRH
What does the FAR RSV number include on the flight plan?
FAR Reserves:
- Domestic (0.45 cruise fuel)
- Int’l (0.30 holding fuel @1500’ AFE) or no alternate available (2.00 cruise fuel), as applicable.
What does the FAR 10% fuel number include on the flight plan?
10% reserve fuel (and corresponding flight time) based on the flight time between the ORIG and DEST, or POR and DEST, whichever is less.
Columns two and three indicate the 10% reserve fuel (and
corresponding flight time) for each respective flight segment.
What is the SMRGN distance?
Stop Margin Distance
- RTO within 2 seconds of V1, using Max Braking/RTO and Speed Brakes. Distance remaining after aircraft comes to a stop is the SMRGN.