IRS Flashcards
Function of ALIGN position of the IRU Mode Selector?
- Initiates IRS FAST alignment
- Removes sensor errors w/selected from NAV mode
How long does full alignment of IRS take?
10 minutes
When is full alignment of IRS required?
When time from last full alignment to the next expected arrival time exceeds 18 hours.
How is IRS Fast Alignment accomplished?
- A/C Parked
- Selectors to ALIGN
- Enter present POS on POS INIT/SET IRS POS page
- Repositions selectors to NAV
- Alignment takes approx 30 seconds
Can IRS fast alignment be accomplished without entering present position?
YES, but greater nav accuracy is attained by doing so.
What does IRS ON BAT mean?
IRS operating on backup DC electrical power (APU HOT BUS)
*Center IRU will shutdown after 5 mins.
What happens when align of IRS is lost in flight?
- NAV mode is inop for rest of flight.
- ATT information obtained by moving selector to ATT
With regard to IRS, the primary mode of navigation is?
GPS Updating
What is some of IRS calculated information?
- Position
- Accel
- Track
- VS
- Wind
- GS
IRS normally powered by?
L - AC 3
C - AC 1
R - AC 2
IRS backup power source?
IRS alignment determines A/C relationship to?
True North
Why must A/C remain stationary for IRS alignment?
Ensures only motion detected is by Earth’s rotation
How is the IRS alignment process accomplished on the ground?
IRS switches are moved from OFF to NAV and crew enters IRS POS in FMC.
With regard to the IRS, what does it mean when FMC LAST POS changes to the new PRES POS on INIT PAGE?
The first IRU has entered navigation mode.
How do you know if all 3 IRUs have entered navigation mode?
- SET IRS POS disappears in FMC
- Memo message disappears on EICAS
- Appearance of HDG and ATT info on PFD
Most common reason to perform IRS fast realignment?
Remove ATT, groundspeed, and track errors. It has no effect on true heading calculations.
When IRU ATT mode switch is selected, what must A/C do while IRU attitude alignment is detected?
Fly straight and level for 30 seconds.
When in IRU ATT mode, the system will not supply heading information until?
Current heading entered on FMC POS INIT page
What will IRS do if motion is detected during init?
Stops. Alignment continues and completes in approx 10 mins after motion has stopped.
When aircraft passes north of 84N or south of 84S
How long does a high latitude (POLAR) alignment take?
17 minutes