TJ14: Endocrine System Flashcards
What is the gland and hormone that lowers blood Ca+ (calcium)?
Gland: Thyroid
Hormone: Calcitonin
Which gland function as a temperature regulating gland for the body?
Sweat glands
T/F: Ceruminous glands are part of exocrine system
Are Epinephrine and Norepinephrine essential or nonessential to life
What is the primary stimulus for cortisol and aldosterone?
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)
ADH is secreted by the Anterior or Posterior Pituitary?
Posterior Pituitary (Neurohypophysis)
T/F: Oxytocin is given to women in labor to stimulate uterine contractions?
What gland is responsible for female sexual characteristics?
Gland: Ovaries
Hormone: Estrogen
T/F: Epinephrine is more commonly known as Adrenaline?
What gland produces Melatonin?
Pineal Gland
Osteoporosis is caused by an increase of what hormone?
Parathyroid Hormone
The Adrenal Medulla secretes?
Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
What is an Exocrine Gland?
Maintain contact with the body surface by a duct
(sweat, tear, mammary, oil, salivary, ear, etc)
What is the gland that has anti-inflammatory functions?
Adrenal Glands
What hormone is responsible for the growth/elongation of bone?
What are androgens?
Sex hormones
What gland regulates body temperature?
Chemically, hormones are classified as?
Proteins and Steroids
What gland stimulates immune system development?
What is the primary target for glucagon?
Skeletal muscle and Liver
Epinephrine and Norepinephrine are secreted from where?
Adrenal Medulla
Which is not an endocrine gland?
Sweat, Tear, Mammary, Oil etc
The Islets of Langerhans belong to which organ?
What are the signs and symptoms of hyposecretion of T3 & T4 in children?
Cretinism: a condition due to decreased thyroid hormones in fetal life of infancy that can cause mental retardation, dwarfism and low metabolic rate
The Adrenal glands are located where?
above the kidneys
The glands responsible for male sexual characteristics?
The primary effect of thyroxin & triiodothyronine is?
Stimulating the metabolic rate
Hypersecretion of GH in adults results in?
T/F: Cretinism in children is when the thyroid fails to develop?
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is secreted from?
What are the side effects of steroid abuse?
Tissue damage, sterility, and disrupt negative feedback system
Beta cells (B-Cells) from the Pancreas secrete (???) to reduce glucose in blood.
What gland releases Antiduretic Hormone?
Neurohypophysis (Posterior Pituitary)
An increase in the breakdown glycogen by the liver is an important effect of?
Glands that secrete their products into the bloodstream
What is the Master Gland?
What gland decreases blood sugar?
Gland: Pancreas
Hormone: Insulin
Endocrine glands help regulate are?
Adrenal Glands
Which organ maintains blood sugar levels?
Gland known as the “Third Eye”?
What can a patient do to control Diabetes Melitus?
Diet and Aerobic Activity
T/F: Adrenal Medulla produces cortisol.
False; Adrenal Cortex
Oxytocin is produced where?
The primary stimulus for the release of insulin is?
High Blood Sugar or too much Glucagon in the blood
What is the temporary endocrine gland?
What hormone stimulates the thyroid, to increase its secretion?
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Chemotherapy suppresses the immune system by the decreasing of the action of what
Increased heart rate and decreased force of contraction, are the effects of what?
The gland that helps to regulate the body’s internal clock is?
The gland that stimulates the stress response?
Adrenal Glands