Titus, 1,2&3 John - 10pt When, Where, Who Flashcards
HCs 10 Give a complete answer. From the section of Titus titled, “Greetings from Paul.”
When did God promise us eternal life?
Ts 1:2 before the world began
HC4 10 Give a complete answer. From the section of Titus titled “Greetings from Paul.”
When did God promise us eternal life?
Ts 1:2 before the world began
JGd 10 Give a complete answer. From the section of Titus titled, “Greetings from Paul.”
When did God promise eternal life to his chosen?
Ts 1:2 before the world began
Jwc 10 Scripture text question. Give a complete answer. From the section of Titus titled “Greetings from Paul.”
When did God promise quote “eternal life”?
Ts 1:2 before the world began
JG3 10 From the section of Titus titled, “Greetings from Paul.”
Who does not lie?
Ts 1:2 God
KKR 10 From the section in Titus titled “Greetings from Paul.”
Who does not lie?
Ts 1:2 God
HCp 10 From the section of Titus titled “Greetings from Paul.”
Who does not lie?
Ts 1:2 God
KKD 10 Give a complete answer. From the section in Titus titled “Greetings from Paul.”
When has God revealed this message?
Ts 1:3 now at just the right time
HCp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section of Titus titled “Greetings from Paul.”
When has God revealed the message?
Ts 1:3 now at just the right time
JGr 10 Give a complete answer. From the section of Titus titled, “Greetings from Paul.”
When did God reveal the message of eternal life?
Ts 1:3 now at just the right time
HCp 10 From the section titled “Titus’s Work in Crete.”
Who must be faithful to his wife?
Ts 1:6 An elder
JGp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Titus’s Work in Crete.”
Who must be believers?
Ts 1:6 his children
JGp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Titus’s Work in Crete.”
Who is a manager of God’s household?
Ts 1:7 A church leader
HC4 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Titus’s Work in Crete.”
Who is a manager of God’s household?
Ts 1:7 A church leader
KKN 10 From the section titled “Titus’s Work in Crete.”
Who is not quick-tempered?
Ts 1:7 a church leader
CCp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Titus’s Work in Crete.”
Who is a manager of God’s house?
Ts 1:7 A church leader
JCF 10 Scripture text question. Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Titus’s Work in Crete”.
Where should a church leader enjoy quote “having guests”?
Ts 1:8 in his home
HCp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Titus’s Work in Crete.”
Where must a church leader enjoy having guests?
Ts 1:8 in his home
JGp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Titus’s Work in Crete.”
Who engage in useless talk?
Ts 1:10 many rebellious people
JG4 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Titus’s Work in Crete.”
Who were all liars?
Ts 1:12 people of Crete
HCp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Titus’s Work in Crete.”
Who are lazy gluttons?
Ts 1:12 The people of Crete
Chs 10 2-part question. From the section titled “Titus’s Work in Crete.”
Who claim to know whom?
Ts 1:16 Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live.
HC4 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who mustn’t be heavy drinkers?
Ts 2:3 the older women
HCp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who mustn’t slander others?
Ts 2:3 the older women
CCp 10 2-part question. Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who must train whom?
Ts 2:4 older women, younger women
JCF 10 3-part question. Give 4 complete answers. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching”.
Who must train whom to love whom?
Ts 2:4 older women, younger women, their husbands, their children
KKR 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who should love their husbands and children?
Ts 2:4 the younger women
JG3 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who must train the younger women?
Ts 2:4 These older women
Chs 10 2-part question. 3-part answer. From Titus chapter 2.
Who should love whom?
Ts 2:4 younger women, their husbands, their children
JG4 10 From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who must be an example?
Ts 2:7 you yourself
JGp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who would be ashamed if Titus taught the truth?
Ts 2:8 those who oppose us
HCp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who will be ashamed if you teach the truth?
Ts 2:8 those who oppose us
HC4 10 From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
When should slaves obey their masters?
Ts 2:9 always
HCs 10 From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
When should slaves obey their masters?
Ts 2:9 always
JGd 10 From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who are to obey their masters?
Ts 2:9 Slaves
HCp 10 From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who mustn’t talk back?
Ts 2:9 Slaves
KKR 10 2-part question. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who must always obey whom?
Ts 2:9 slaves, their masters
JCF 10 2-part question. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching”.
Who must always obey whom?
Ts 2:9 Slaves, their masters
KKN 10 2-part question. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who should try to please whom?
Ts 2:9 slaves, their masters
KKD 10 2-part question. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who must not talk back to whom?
Ts 2:9 slaves, their masters
JGD 10 From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who is our Savior?
Ts 2:13 Jesus Christ
Chs 10 From Titus chapter 2.
Who is our Savior?
Ts 2:13 Jesus Christ
HCp 10 From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who is our great God and Savior?
Ts 2:13 Jesus Christ
CCp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Who will be revealed?
Ts 2:13 Jesus Christ
KKD 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Whose glory will appear?
Ts 2:13 our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ
HC4 10 Scripture text question. Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
Whose glory will be revealed on that quote “wonderful day”?
Ts 2:13 our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ
HCp 10 Scripture text question. From the section titled “Promote Right Teaching.”
When did Titus have the authority to correct quote “the believers”?
Ts 2:15 when necessary
JGp 10 From the section titled “Do What Is Good.”
Who should be obedient?
Ts 3:1 the believers
JGp 10 2-part question. From the section titled “Do What Is Good.”
Who should submit to what?
Ts 3:1 the believers, the government
JGp 10 From the section titled “Do What Is Good.”
Who should be gentle?
Ts 3:2 They (believers)
HCp 10 2-part question. From the section titled “Do What Is Good.”
Who hated whom?
Ts 3:3 we, each other
Chs 10 n/a
Who is our Savior?
Ts 3:4 God
JG5 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Do What Is Good.”
Who revealed his kindness?
Ts 3:4 God our Savior
HC4 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Do What Is Good.”
Who revealed his kindness and love?
Ts 3:4 God our Savior
HCp 10 2-part question. 3-part answer. From the section titled “Do What Is Good.”
Who revealed what?
Ts 3:4 God our Savior, his kindness, love
JGn 10 2-part question. 3-part answer. From the section titled “Do What Is Good.”
Who revealed what?
Ts 3:4 God, kindness, love
JG5 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Do What Is Good.”
Who will devote themselves to doing good?
Ts 3:8 all who trust in God
KKD 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Do What is Good.”
Who should be warned?
Ts 3:10 people causing divisions among you
JGD 10 2-part question. From the section titled “Do What Is Good.”
Who have turned away from what?
Ts 3:11 people like that, from the truth
JG3 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Remarks and Greetings.”
When was Titus to meet Paul at Nicopolis?
Ts 3:12 As soon as one of them arrives
Chs 10 2-part question. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Remarks and Greetings.”
Who wintered where?
Ts 3:12 Nicopolis, I [Paul]
JGp 10 2-part question. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Remarks and Greetings.”
Who must learn to do what?
Ts 3:14 Our people, to do good
JGp 10 From the section titled “Introduction.”
Whose fellowship is with the Father?
1J 1:3 our
JGp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Introduction.”
Who had actually seen and heard?
1J 1:3 we ourselves
Chs 10 From the section titled “Introduction.”
Whose joy is mentioned?
1J 1:4 our
Chs 10 From the section titled “Living in the Light.”
Who is light?
1J 1:5 God
JGp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Living in the Light.”
Whose blood cleanses us from all sin?
1J 1:7 Jesus, his Son
Chs 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Living in the Light.”
Whose blood cleanses us?
1J 1:7 Jesus, his Son
KKN 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Living in the Light.”
When are we not living in the truth?
1J 1:8 If we claim we have no sin
JGd 10 From the section titled “Living in the Light.”
Who are we fooling if we claim we have no sin?
1J 1:8 ourselves
Chs 10 2-part question. From the section titled “Living in the Light.”
Who fools whom?
1J 1:8 we, ourselves
JG4 10 From the section titled “Living in the Light.”
Who is truly righteous?
1J 2:1 Jesus Christ
JGp 10 From the section titled “Living in the Light.”
Who is our advocate?
1J 2:1 Jesus Christ
KKN 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Living in the Light.”
Who pleads our case before the Father?
1J 2:1 Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous
CCp 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Living in the Light.”
Who is the sacrifice?
1J 2:2 He himself
Jwc 10 Give 2 complete answers. From the section titled “Living in the Light.”
Whose sins does Jesus’ sacrifice atone for?
1J 2:2 our sins, the sins of all the world
Chs 10 From 1 John chapter 2.
Who atones for our sins?
1J 2:2 the sacrifice (Jesus)