1 Thessalonians 5 - Study Questions Flashcards
HCs 20 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “The Hope of the Resurrection.”
Paul didn’t really need to write to the Thessalonians concerning what?
1Th 5:1 Now concerning how and when all this will happen, dear brothers and sisters, we don’t really need to write you.
HCs 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “The Hope of the Resurrection.”
What will come unexpectedly?
1Th 5:2 the day of the Lord’s return
HCs 30 Statement and question. Give a complete answer. From the section titled “The Hope of the Resurrection.”
Paul said that the day of the Lord’s return would come unexpectedly. How did he illustrate this?
1Th 5:3 When people are saying, “Everything is peaceful and secure,” then disaster will fall on them as suddenly as a pregnant woman’s labor pains begin. And there will be no escape.
HCs 20 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “The Hope of the Resurrection.”
The Thessalonians won’t be surprised by what?
1Th 5:4 But you aren’t in the dark about these things, dear brothers and sisters, and you won’t be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief.
HCs 30 Scripture text question. Give a complete answer. From the section titled “The Hope of the Resurrection.”
Why won’t the Thessalonians be surprised when the day of the Lord quote “comes like a thief”?
1Th 5:5 For you are all children of the light and of the day; we don’t belong to darkness and night.
HCs 10 From the section titled “The Hope of the Resurrection.”
The others are what?
1Th 5:6 asleep
HCs 20 2-part answer. From the section titled “The Hope of the Resurrection.”
At night, what happens?
1Th 5:7 Night is the time when people sleep and drinkers get drunk.
HCs 30 Quotation question. From 1 Thessalonians.
Quote verse 8 from the closing chapter.
1Th 5:8 But let us who live in the light be clearheaded, protected by the armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation.
HCs 10 n/a
According to 1 Thessalonians 5:9, on whom didn’t God pour out his anger?
1Th 5:9 us
HCs 20 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “The Hope of the Resurrection.”
Why did Christ die for us?
1Th 5:10 Christ died for us so that, whether we are dead or alive when he returns, we can live with him forever.
HCs 10 From the section titled “The Hope of the Resurrection.”
Build up whom?
1Th 5:11 each other
HCs 20 2-part question. Give 3 complete answers. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Advice.”
Honor whom and why?
1Th 5:12 Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance.
HCs 10 From the section titled “Paul’s Final Advice.”
Live peacefully with whom?
1Th 5:13 each other
HCs 20 4-part question. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Advice.”
WARN whom, ENCOURAGE whom, take CARE of whom, and be PATIENT with whom?
1Th 5:14 Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone.
HCs 10 2-part answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Advice.”
Always try to do good to whom?
1Th 5:15 each other, all people.
HCs 10 Essence question. From 1 Thessalonians.
Give in essence verse 16 from the closing chapter.
1Th 5:16 Always be joyful.
HCs 10 Essence question. From 1 Thessalonians.
Give in essence verse 17 from the closing chapter.
1Th 5:17 Never stop praying.
HCs 20 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Advice.”
Why be thankful in all circumstances?
1Th 5:18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
HCs 10 From the section titled “Paul’s Final Advice.”
Don’t stifle whom?
1Th 5:19 the Holy Spirit
HCs 10 From the section titled “Paul’s Final Advice.”
Don’t scoff at what?
1Th 5:20 prophecies
HCs 20 2-part question. Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Advice.”
TEST what, and hold ON to what?
1Th 5:21 but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good.
HCs 10 Give a complete answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Advice.”
Stay away from what?
1Th 5:22 every kind of evil
HCs 30 Give 2 complete answers. From the section of 1 Thessalonians titled, “Paul’s Final Greetings.”
God will make what happen?
1Th 5:23 Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.
HCs 20 Scripture text question. Give a complete answer. From the section of 1 Thessalonians titled, “Paul’s Final Greetings.”
Referring to the sanctification of believers, why does Paul say God will quote “make this happen”?
1Th 5:24 God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful.
HCs 10 Give a complete answer. From 1 Thessalonians chapter 5.
In the 25th verse, how do the authors address their readers?
1Th 5:25 Dear brothers and sisters
HCs 20 2-part question. Give a complete answer. From the section of 1 Thessalonians titled, “Paul’s Final Greetings.”
Greet whom how?
1Th 5:26 Greet all the brothers and sisters with a sacred kiss.
HCs 20 Give a complete answer. From the section of 1 Thessalonians titled, “Paul’s Final Greetings.”
Give Paul’s command.
1Th 5:27 I command you in the name of the Lord to read this letter to all the brothers and sisters.
HCs 20 2-part question. From the section of 1 Thessalonians titled, “Paul’s Final Greetings.”
May what be with whom?
1Th 5:28 May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.