Chapter Analysis - 10pt - 1&2 Timothy Flashcards
JGp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 1 Timothy titled “Greetings from Paul.”
From whom was 1 Timothy sent?
1Ti 1:1 Paul
HC2 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 1.
The opening verse names which individual?
1Ti 1:1 Paul
HCs 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 1 Timothy titled, “Greetings from Paul.”
Who is an apostle of Christ Jesus?
1Ti 1:1 Paul
JGR 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 1 Timothy titled, “Greetings from Paul”
Paul wrote to whom?
1Ti 1:2 Timothy
JCF 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 1.
Verse 2 names which individual?
1Ti 1:2 Timothy
Chs 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Greetings from Paul.”
To whom was the Book of 1 Timothy written?
1Ti 1:2 Timothy
Chs 10 Scripture text question. Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 1.
Who did Paul say was his quote “true son in the faith?”
1Ti 1:2 Timothy
HC2 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 1 Timothy titled “Greetings from Paul.”
Who is Paul’s true son in the faith?
1Ti 1:2 Timothy
JGn 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Warnings against False Teachings.”
Paul urged Timothy to stay where?
1Ti 1:3 Ephesus
JCF 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 1.
Paul left for where and urged Timothy to stay where?
1Ti 1:3 Macedonia, Ephesus
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 1.
Verse 7 names which individual?
1Ti 1:7 Moses
Chs 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Warnings against False Teachings.”
Which individual is named?
1Ti 1:7 Moses
JGp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Warnings against False Teachings.”
Whose law is mentioned?
1Ti 1:7 Moses
Jwc 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 1.
Verse 14 contains which exclamation?
1Ti 1:14 Oh, how generous and gracious our Lord was!
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer.
1 Timothy 1:18 names which individual?
1Ti 1:18 Timothy
DWn 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 1.
Who received instructions?
1Ti 1:18 Timothy
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 1.
Verse 18 names which individual?
1Ti 1:18 Timothy
JGp 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Timothy’s Responsibility.”
Which examples of shipwrecked faith are named?
1Ti 1:20 Hymenaeus, Alexander
Jwc 10 Scripture text question. 2-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Timothy’s Responsibility.”
Whom did Paul hand quote “over to Satan”?
1Ti 1:20 Hymenaeus, Alexander
HCp 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Timothy’s Responsibility.”
Paul handed whom over to Satan?
1Ti 1:20 Hymenaeus, Alexander
HCp 10 2-part answer chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 1.
The closing verse names which individuals?
1Ti 1:20 Hymenaeus, Alexander
KKR 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 1.
Verse 20 names which individuals?
1Ti 1:20 Hymenaeus, Alexander
JGp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Instructions about Worship.”
Who was made first?
1Ti 2:13 Adam
HCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Instructions about Worship.”
First, whom did God make?
1Ti 2:13 Adam
Chs 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 2.
Verse 13 names which individuals?
1Ti 2:13 Adam, Eve
JGR 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Instructions about Worship”
God made whom first, and whom afterward?
1Ti 2:13 Adam, Eve
KKN 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Instructions about Worship.”
Who was formed before whom?
1Ti 2:13 Adam, Eve
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Instructions about Worship.”
Afterward God made whom?
1Ti 2:13 Eve
JGp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Instructions about Worship.”
Who was made afterward?
1Ti 2:13 Eve
Chs 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Instructions about Worship”
Satan did not deceive who?
1Ti 2:14 Adam
KKR 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 2.
Verse 14 names which individual?
1Ti 2:14 Adam
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Instructions about Worship.”
Who was not deceived by Satan?
1Ti 2:14 Adam
HCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Instructions about Worship.”
Who wasn’t deceived?
1Ti 2:14 Adam
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 4.
Which individual is named?
1Ti 4:6 Timothy [The only CA in 1Ti 4:]
JGn 10 Chapter analysis answer.
1 Timothy chapter 4 names which individual?
1Ti 4:6 Timothy [The only CA in 1Ti 4:]
Jwc 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 4.
Verse 6 names which individual?
1Ti 4:6 Timothy [The only CA in 1Ti 4:]
JGR 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 5.
Concerning children, which question is found?
1Ti 5:10 Has she brought up her children well?
Chs 10 Statement and question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Advice about Widows, Elders, and Slaves.”
Paul asks four questions in a row. Give the 3rd question.
1Ti 5:10 Has she helped those who are in trouble?
Chs 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 5.
Which exclamation is contained?
1Ti 5:18 Those who work deserve their pay!
JGd 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy.
Concerning pay, Paul exclaimed what?
1Ti 5:18 Those who work deserve their pay!
HCs 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 6.
In verse 2, how does Paul address his reader?
1Ti 6:2 Timothy
HCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 6.
Verse 11 names which individual?
1Ti 6:11 Timothy
JGp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Instructions.”
Who was a man of God?
1Ti 6:11 Timothy
JCF 10 Scripture text question. Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 6.
Who was a quote “man of God?”
1Ti 6:11 Timothy
Jwc 10 Scripture text question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Instructions.”
Before whom did Christ Jesus give a quote “good testimony”?
1Ti 6:13 Pontius Pilate
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Instructions.”
Jesus gave good testimony before whom?
1Ti 6:13 Pontius Pilate
JCF 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Instructions”.
Testimony was given before whom?
1Ti 6:13 Pontius Pilate
HCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 6.
Verse 13 names which individual?
1Ti 6:13 Pontius Pilate
Chs 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 6.
Before saying “Amen” Paul exclaimed what?
1Ti 6:16 All honor and power to him forever!
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 6.
Verse 16 contains which exclamation?
1Ti 6:16 All honor and power to him forever!
Chs 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 6.
God trusted whom?
1Ti 6:20 Timothy
HCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 1 Timothy chapter 6.
In verse 20, how does Paul address his reader?
1Ti 6:20 Timothy
HC3 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 2 Timothy titled, “Greetings from Paul.”
Second Timothy is from whom?
2Ti 1:1 Paul
JGp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 2 Timothy titled “Greetings from Paul.”
The letter was from whom?
2Ti 1:1 Paul
Chs 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 1.
Who was an apostle?
2Ti 1:1 Paul
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 2 Timothy titled “Greetings from Paul.”
Paul is writing to whom?
2Ti 1:2 Timothy
HCs 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 2 Timothy titled, “Greetings from Paul.”
To whom was 2 Timothy written?
2Ti 1:2 Timothy
KKR 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 1.
Verse 2 names which individual?
2Ti 1:2 Timothy
JGD 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful.”
Paul thanked God for whom?
2Ti 1:3 Timothy
JCF 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful”.
The opening verse names which individual?
2Ti 1:3 Timothy
JGD 10 Chapter analysis answer.
Who was Timothy’s mother?
2Ti 1:5 Eunice
Chs 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 1.
Timothy’s grandmother was who?
2Ti 1:5 Lois
JCF 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful”.
Which grandmother is named?
2Ti 1:5 Lois
JGR 10 Chapter analysis answer.
Who was Timothy’s grandmother?
2Ti 1:5 Lois
HC3 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful.”
Name Timothy’s GRANDMOTHER, and name his MOTHER.
2Ti 1:5 Lois, Eunice
KKN 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 1.
Verse 5 names which individuals?
2Ti 1:5 Lois, Eunice
Jwc 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful.”
Who was Timothy’s GRANDMOTHER and who was his MOTHER?
2Ti 1:5 Lois, Eunice
KKR 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 1.
Verse 15 mentions which geographical location?
2Ti 1:15 Asia
JGp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful.”
What province is named?
2Ti 1:15 Asia
JGn 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful.”
Who deserted Paul?
2Ti 1:15 Phygelus, Hermogenes
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful.”
Even who deserted Paul?
2Ti 1:15 Phygelus, Hermogenes
KKN 10 2-part question. 3-part chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 1.
Verse 15 names which individuals and which geographical location?
2Ti 1:15 Phygelus, Hermogenes, Asia
JGd 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful.”
Who was helpful?
2Ti 1:16 Onesiphorus
JCF 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 1.
Special kindness was shown to whom?
2Ti 1:16 Onesiphorus
JG2 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful.”
Who encouraged Paul?
2Ti 1:16 Onesiphorus
HC3 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful.”
Who often visited and encouraged Paul?
2Ti 1:16 Onesiphorus
HCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 1.
Verse 16 names which individual?
2Ti 1:16 Onesiphorus
HCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 1.
Verse 17 names which geographical location?
2Ti 1:17 Rome
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful.”
Where did Onesiphorus search?
2Ti 1:17 Rome
HC3 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful.”
Where was Onesiphorus helpful?
2Ti 1:18 Ephesus
JG5 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Encouragement to Be Faithful.”
Onesiphorus was helpful where?
2Ti 1:18 Ephesus
HCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 1.
The closing verse names which geographical location?
2Ti 1:18 Ephesus
JGp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 2.
The opening verse names which individual?
2Ti 2:1 Timothy
HC3 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “A Good Soldier of Christ Jesus.”
Jesus Christ was a descendant of whom?
2Ti 2:8 David
Chs 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 2.
What king is mentioned?
2Ti 2:8 David
HC3 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 2.
Verse 8 names which individual?
2Ti 2:8 David
JCF 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 2.
Jesus descended from whom?
2Ti 2:8 David
CCp 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 2.
Verse 17 names which individuals?
2Ti 2:17 Hymenaeus, Philetus
Chs 10 Scripture text question. 2-part chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 2.
Who have left the quote “path of truth”?
2Ti 2:17 Hymenaeus, Philetus
HC3 10 Statement and question. 2-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “An Approved Worker.”
Paul says that foolish talk spreads like cancer. Whose case did he cite as an example of this?
2Ti 2:17 Hymenaeus, Philetus
Jwc 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 2.
Verse 19 contains what Old Testament Scripture?
2Ti 2:19 The LORD knows those who are his
HC3 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 3.
In the opening verse, how does Paul address his reader?
2Ti 3:1 Timothy
JGp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 3.
The opening verse names which individual?
2Ti 3:1 Timothy
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 3.
Which exclamation is contained?
2Ti 3:5 Stay away from people like that!
Jwc 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 3.
Verse 5 contains which exclamation?
2Ti 3:5 Stay away from people like that!
JGR 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled, The Dangers of the Last Days.
Who opposed Moses?
2Ti 3:8 Jannes, Jambres
JGR 10 2-part question. 3-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “The Dangers of the Last Days”
Who opposed whom?
2Ti 3:8 Jannes, Jambres, Moses
KKD 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “The Dangers of the Last Days.”
Jannes and Jambres opposed whom?
2Ti 3:8 Moses
HC3 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “The Dangers of the Last Days.”
Which fools are named?
2Ti 3:9 Jannes, Jambres
HC4 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Charge to Timothy.”
Who certainly knew what Paul taught?
2Ti 3:10 Timothy
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 3.
Verse 10 names which individual?
2Ti 3:10 Timothy
HC3 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Charge to Timothy.”
Besides Lystra, where was Paul persecuted?
2Ti 3:11 Antioch, Iconium
Jwc 10 3-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Charge to Timothy.”
Where was Paul persecuted?
2Ti 3:11 Antioch, Iconium, Lystra
KKR 10 3-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Charge to Timothy.”
Paul endured persecutions where?
2Ti 3:11 Antioch, Iconium, Lystra
JGD 10 3-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Charge to Timothy.”
Paul was persecuted where?
2Ti 3:11 Antioch, Iconium, Lystra
HC3 10 3-part chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 3.
Verse 11 names which geographical locations?
2Ti 3:11 Antioch, Iconium, Lystra
KKN 10 3-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Charge to Timothy.”
Where did Paul endure persecutions?
2Ti 3:11 Antioch, Iconium, Lystra.
HC3 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Charge to Timothy.”
Besides Antioch, where was Paul persecuted?
2Ti 3:11 Iconium, Lystra
JGD 10 Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 4.
The 9th verse names which individual?
2Ti 4:9 Timothy
JGn 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Who went to Galatia?
2Ti 4:10 Crescens
JGR 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Titus went where?
2Ti 4:10 Dalmatia
HC3 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Who deserted Paul?
2Ti 4:10 Demas
Jwc 10 3-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Who went to THESSALONICA, who went to GALATIA, and who went to DALMATIA?
2Ti 4:10 Demas, Crescens, Titus
JGp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Crescens went where?
2Ti 4:10 Galatia
JGR 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Demas went where?
2Ti 4:10 Thessalonica
HC3 10 3-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
DEMAS went where, CRESCENS went where, and TITUS went where?
2Ti 4:10 Thessalonica, Galatia, Dalmatia
JGD 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Who went to Dalmatia?
2Ti 4:10 Titus
HC3 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Who was with Paul?
2Ti 4:11 Luke
HCp 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 4.
The 11th verse names which individuals?
2Ti 4:11 Luke, Mark
Jwc 10 Scripture text question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Who did Paul tell Timothy would be helpful to me quote “in my ministry”?
2Ti 4:11 Mark
JGd 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Timothy was to bring whom?
2Ti 4:11 Mark
KKR 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Who was helpful to Paul in his ministry?
2Ti 4:11 Mark
CCp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Tychicus was sent where?
2Ti 4:12 Ephesus
JG3 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Paul sent Tychicus where?
2Ti 4:12 Ephesus
JGp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Paul sent whom to Ephesus?
2Ti 4:12 Tychicus
Chs 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 4..
Verse 12 names which individual and which geographical location?
2Ti 4:12 Tychicus, Ephesus
HC3 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Paul sent whom where?
2Ti 4:12 Tychicus, Ephesus
HC3 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 4.
Verse 12 names which individual and which geographical location?
2Ti 4:12 Tychicus, Ephesus.
HCp 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Paul left his coat with whom where?
2Ti 4:13 Carpus, Troas
KKN 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 4.
Verse 13 names which individual and mentions which geographical location?
2Ti 4:13 Carpus, Troas
KKN 10 Chapter Analysis Answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Who was a coppersmith?
2Ti 4:14 Alexander
JGn 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paul’s Final Words.”
Which coppersmith is named?
2Ti 4:14 Alexander
JCF 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 2 Timothy titled, “Paul’s Final Greetings”.
Whose household is mentioned?
2Ti 4:19 Onesiphorus
JGn 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 2 Timothy titled, “Paul’s Final Greetings.”
Erastus stayed where?
2Ti 4:20 Corinth
JGp 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 2 Timothy titled “Paul’s Final Greetings.”
Who stayed where?
2Ti 4:20 Erastus, Corinth
JCF 10 4-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 2 Timothy titled, “Paul’s Final Greetings”.
Who STAYED where and who WAS SICK where?
2Ti 4:20 Erastus, Corinth, Trophimus, Miletus
JGn 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 2 Timothy titled “Paul’s Final Greetings.”
Who was sick?
2Ti 4:20 Trophimus
JGD 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 2 Timothy titled “Paul’s Final Greetings.”
Paul left whom where?
2Ti 4:20 Trophimus, Miletus
KKN 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section of 2 Timothy titled “Paul’s Final Greetings.”
Who was sick where?
2Ti 4:20 Trophimus, Miletus
KKN 10 4-part chapter analysis answer. From 2 Timothy chapter 4.
Verse 21 names which individuals?
2Ti 4:21 Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia