Tissues Flashcards
What are tissues?
Tissues are a group of cells that are similar in structure and perform a common/related function
- a cell is the simplest living structure and contains organelles
- Histology is the study of tissues (subset of microscopic anatomy)
What are the functions of epithelial tissue?
- protection
- absorption and secretion ( as substances pass across epithelial lining)
-sensory reception (have little hairs that are connected to nerves and send signals to the brain)
What is the covering/lining type of epithelium?
Lining Epithelium
- forms outer layer of skin and internal structures
- separates different components of the body and protects
- lines a structure in a sheet formation and forms outer layer of skin and layers surrounding organs and internal structures
What is the apical surface of epithelial tissue?
apical (free) surface is the free surface exposed to the exterior environment or cavity of organ
- often have microvilli or cilla which are little hairs that help with sensory reception
- apical surface faces the outside world or interior of organ/structure
What is the basal surface of epithelial tissue?
The basal structure is the anchored lower surface
- epithelial will attach to whatever beneath them
What is the Basal lamina of epithelial tissue?
The basal lamina is the adhesive sheet beneath the basal surface; it joins epithelial tissue to connective tissue
What is the basement membrane?
the basement membrane is part of the anchoring system with the basal lamina
- The basement membrane can act as a filter as it decides what kind of things can cross over (absorption and secretion functions)
- can be able to pass all the way through into or out of the organ/structure (epithelial cells also help with this function)
Epithelial tissue facts
- tissue fit closely together to form continuous sheets
- sit upon and are supported by connective tissue (anchored to connective tissue)
- Avascular (does not get blood supply), but innervated (does get nerve supply)
- high regenerative capacity
if it is damaged, it regenerates very quickly (not all aspects of the body do this)
epithelial tissue gets oxygen and nutrients from nearby blood vessels - Cilia is often helpful in moving substances or involved in sensation (often found on epithelial tissue on apical surface)
- epithelial tissue always forms a boundary (substances that enter or leave must pass through it)
What is the simple epithelial tissue arrangement?
- single layer
- alignment of the apical surface and the basal surface in each cell
- useful for absorption and secretion because of the thin single-layer
What is the pseudostratified epithelial tissue arrangement?
- single layer
- every cell is in contact with the basement membrane
- seen in places where protection is important, but we also need substances to get through (not all)
- easier for substances to pass through
- commonly seen in the respiratory system
What is the stratified epithelial tissue arrangement?
- multiple cell layer
- not all the cells are in contact with the basement membrane
- better for protection because it’s difficult for things to penetrate (more layers=more protection)
- can have a combination of 2 cell shapes
What is the squamous cell shape in epithelial tissue?
flat looking cell
What is the cubical cell shape in epithelial tissue?
cube looking cells
What is the columnar cell shape in epithelial tissue?
long, skinny, tall cells
Simple Squamous Epithelium
- thinnest epithelial tissue
- located in areas where absorption/secretion is important (blood vessels, air sacs in lungs)
- areas where we are going to have things passing in or out (tiny molecules)