Tissue Specific Pain Flashcards
Can spinal pain arise from intrinsic structures of the vertebral column?
Yes, this is kellegrans first principle.
What might cause referred pain in the trunk and limbs?
Intrinsic structures of the vertebral column, kellegrans second principle.
Nerve root irritation is the only way referred pain can occur true false?
False, other mechanisms can, kellegrans third principle.
Referred pain in kellegrans principles is what type of nature?
Dull, aching, diffuse and hard to localise and perceived deeply. His fourth principle.
How is visceral and nerve root irritation pain defined apart from each other?
By calling it referred somatic pain. Kellegrans fifth principle. Meaning the type of pain is in the somatic tissues as opposed to viscera or nerves.
Explain the referred somatic pain pattern kellegrans mentioned?
He mentioned it does not follows dermatomal nature but a more segmental one. Stimulation of lower spinal segments produced pain in lower regions of the body wall or limb.
Overall kellegrans experiment was?
Stimulating with noxious stimuli, muscles and interspinous ligaments by injection of hypertonic saline, scratching and whatnot, producing referred pain in remote areas. Thoracic ligaments produced pain in anterior and posterior chest wall. Cervical and lumbar ligaments produced pain in the respective limbs.
Sensitivity of structures in order is? Most to least.
Periosteum, ligament, joint capsule, tendon, fascia, muscle
Referred pain maps linked to specific structures. Explain somatic referred pain map
Sclerotomes are suggested to be the reason for somatic referred pain. They are the regions of bones, joints and ligaments innverated by the same spinal cord segment.
Sclerotomes are realistic why why not?
The paper kellegrans presented was idealised sclerotomes and therefore not really based on quantitive data. Not good evidence.
What are muscle nociceptors activated by?
Pressing, squeezing, chemical stimulation like bradykinin and serotonin or potassium.
What evidence is there for chronic pain without inflammation?
There are no experimentally valid explanations of chronic muscle pain in the absence of inflammation
Explain what exhibits convergence and how it relates to referred pain?
Afferents converge and synapse onto second order Neurons that receive input from deep somatic tissues and the skin. When the dorsal horn neuron is stimulated pain is evoked but the neuron does not convey information as to where the source of pain came from. Pain comes from all structures
Theories of bone pain?
Capsular contracture (does not explain pain at rest) and intraosseous venous hypertension ( distension of veins proximal to obstruction)
Two calssifications of methods by which experimental muscle pain can be induced? Examples?
Endogenous and exogenous without and with external stimuli. Endogenous methods include is hernia and exercise and exogenous is intramuscular infusion of hypertonic saline,
Relationship between stimulus intensity, area, duration and pain intensity, area in local and referred pain?
Referred pain: felt approx 20 seconds after local pain and is diffuse and unpleasant.
Higher stimulus required to elicit referred pain compared to local.