Timed Exam 4 Flashcards
A building is 57 feet wide and 121 long. What is the gross
area of the building?
A. 5000 sf
B. 7367 sf
C. 6897 sf
D. none of these
C - 6897 sf
Area = Width X Length
What is the minimum density allowable for foam plastic used
as interior trim?
A. 10 pounds per cubic foot
B. 20 pounds per cubic foot
C. 30 pounds per cubic foot
D. 40 pounds per cubic foot
E. pounds per cubic foot
B - 20 pounds per cubic foot
[F] 2604.2.1 Density.
The minimum thickness of gypsum sheathing is
_______________ with a maximum wall stud spacing of ______________.
A. 5/8 inch, 16 inches on center
B. 5/8 inch, 24 inches on center
C. .1/2 inch, 24 inches on center
D. .1/2 inch, 16 inches on center
D - .1/2 inch, 16 inches on
In new construction, required smoke alarms must receive their
primary power from the building wiring where such wiring is served from a
commercial source, and the smoke alarms must also be equipped with
______________. Exceptions ignored.
A. a battery backup
B. a solar power system
C. an emergency lighting system
D. a power saver system
A - a battery backup
[F] 907.2.11.6 Power source.
Where egress doors are used in pairs, approved automatic
flush bolts will be permitted to be used, provided that the door leaf having the
automatic flush bolts has no _____________ or surface-mounted hardware.
A. doorknob
B. keylock
C. hinge bolts
D. removable obstructions
A - doorknob
1010.1.9.4 Locks and latches.3
Posts or columns. Posts or columns supporting permanent
structures and supported by a concrete or masonry slab or footing that is in direct
contact with the earth must be of _______________ or preservative-treated wood.
Exceptions ignored.
A. Fir
B. Cedar
C. Redwood
D. naturally durable
D - naturally durable
2304.12.2.2 Posts or columns.
In commercial cooking operations
__________________________ must be installed in commercial kitchen exhaust
hood and duct system.
A. an explosion proof fan
B. a fire extinguisher
C. an automatic sprinkler system
D. a smoke and carbon dioxide detector
C - an automatic sprinkler
[F] 903.2.11.5 Commercial cooking
What is the Rated Fire-Resistance Period for a hollow brick
wall, not filled, that is 3.4 inches thick?
A. 4 hours
B. 3 hours
C. 2 hours
D. 1 hour
C - 2 hours
TABLE 721.1(2) Rated FireResistance Periods For Various
Walls And Partitions, Item number
In buildings constructed in accordance with the provisions of
conventional light-frame construction, roof trusses and rafters may not span more
than ___________________ between points of vertical support.
A. 32 feet
B. 40 feet
C. 54 feet
D. 60 feet
B - 40 feet
2308.2.5 Allowable roof span
In lieu of an individual permit for each alteration to an already
approved electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing installation, the building official is
authorized to issue a(an) ______________ to any person, firm or corporation
regularly employing one or more qualified trades persons in the building, structure
or on the premises owned or operated by the applicant for the permit.
A. annual permit.
B. temporary certificate of occupancy
C. waiver of permit
D. expert permit exemption
A - annual permit.
[A] 105.1.1 Annual permit.
Second-hand masonry units may not be reused unless they
conform to the requirements ____________, and the units must be of whole,
sound materials and free from cracks and other defects that will interfere with
proper laying or use and old mortar shall be cleaned from the unit before reuse.
A. of their original design
B. set by the designer
C. set for used masonry units.
D. of new units
D - of new units
2103.1.1 Second-hand units
The time period that the through-penetration firestop system
limits the spread of fire through the penetration when tested in accordance with
ASTM E 814 or UL 1479.
A. A rating
B. C rating
C. F rating
D. T rating
C - F rating
Chapter 2, Definitions.
Factory Industrial Moderate-Hazard Occupancy. Factory
industrial uses which are not classified as Factory Industrial _______ shall be
classified as __________.
A. F-1 Low Hazard, F-2 Moderate Hazard
B. F-2 Low Hazard, F-3 Moderate Hazard
C. F-2 Low Hazard, F-1 Moderate Hazard
D. F-4 Low Hazard, F-5 Moderate Hazard
C - F-2 Low Hazard, F-1
Moderate Hazard
306.2 Factory Industrial F-1
Minimum uniformly distributed live loads used in design of a
bowling alley is ____________________.
A. 50 pounds per square foot
B. 60 pounds per square foot
C. 75 pounds per square foot
D. 100 pounds per square foot
C - 75 pounds per square foot
TABLE 1607.1 Minimum Uniformly
Distributed Live Loads And
Minimum Concentrated Live Loads
In assemblies used for structural fire resistance and fireresistance-rated construction, ducts and air transfer openings of fire barriers must
be protected with _________________,
A. non-flammable materials
B. listed fire dampers
C. materials that will not burn through
D. firestops
B - listed fire dampers
717.5.2 Fire barriers.
Interior exit stairways and ramps serving as an exit
component in a means of egress system shall be enclosed and
____________________________________. Exceptions ignored.
A. may serve as intermediate stairways and ramp for different floor levels
B. shall be constructed of concrete and steel.
C. shall lead directly to the exterior of the building
D. none of these
C - shall lead directly to the
exterior of the building
1023.1 General Interior exit
What is the shear capacity for horizontal wood framed
gypsum board diaphragm ceiling assemblies for 1/2 material with framing
members 16 in oc?
A. 70 pounds per linear foot
B. 80 pounds per linear foot
C. 90 pounds per linear foot
D. 100 pounds per linear foot
C - 90 pounds per linear foot
Table 2508.5 Shear capacity for
horizontal wood framed gypsum
board diaphragm ceiling assemblies
In assemblies used for structural fire resistance and fireresistance-rated construction, exterior walls with a horizontal fire separation
distance greater than _____________, the joint system is required to be tested for
interior fire exposure only.
A. 20 feet
B. 15 feet
C. 10 feet
D. 5 feet
D - 5 feet
715.3 Fire test criteria
As applied to a fire door or other opening, means equipped
with an approved device that will ensure closing after having been opened.
A. automatic
B. self-closing
C. motorized
D. self-automated
B - self-closing
Chapter 2, Definitions.
How are corrosive personal or household products in their
original packaging used in retail display to be classified?
A. Group H
B. Group E
C. Group U
D. They shall be classified in the occupancy that they most nearly
D - They shall be classified in
the occupancy that they
most nearly resemble.
[F] 307.1.1 High-hazard Group H.
A poured concrete basement wall is 10 feet high and 9.5
inches thick. The lateral backfill soil load is 60 psf. The unbalance backfill height is
4 feet. What is the required re-bar size and spacing.
A. #5 at 43”
B. #7 at 39”
C. #6 at 43”
D. Plain Concrete no re-bar required
D - Plain Concrete no re-bar
TABLE 1807.1.6.2 Concrete
Foundation Walls
Wood Structural I panel grade roof sheathing 5/8 inch thick is
used on a roof with the strength axis parallel to the supports. All panels span over
two or more supports. The span between framing members is 24 inches o.c. What
is the total maximum allowable load in per square foot (live load plus dead load)
A. 30 pounds per square foot
B. 40 pounds per square foot
C. 50 pounds per square foot
D. 80 pounds per square foot
D - 80 pounds per square foot
Table 2304.8(5) Allowable Load
(Psf) For Wood Structural Panel
Roof Sheathing Continuous Over
Two Or More Spans And Strength
Axis Parallel To Supports
In reference to signage within Covered Mall Buildings. Plastic
signs may not exceed a height of 36 inches, except if the sign is vertical, the
height may not exceed _______ and the width may not exceed 36 inches.
A. 120 inches
B. 96 inches
C. 72 inches
D. 60 inches
B - 96 inches
402.6.4.2 Height and width.
A reinforced 12” masonry foundation wall is 10 feet high. The
lateral backfill soil load is 45 psf. The unbalance backfill height is 7 feet. What is
the required re-bar size and spacing.
A. #4 at 48”
B. #6 at 48”
C. #6 at 72”
D. #4 at 72”
C - #6 at 72”
TABLE 1807.1.6.3(4) 12-Inch
Masonry Foundation Walls With