Timed Exam 1 Flashcards
What is the maximum allowable travel distance between fire extinguishers for Class A fire hazards in a light or low hazard occupancy setting?
A. 250 feet
B. 50 feet
C. 75 feet
D. 100 feet
C - 75 Feet
[F]TABLE 906.3(1) Fire Extinguishers For Class A Fire Hazards
In buildings constructed in accordance with the provisions of
conventional light-frame construction bearing partitions perpendicular to joists may
not be offset from supporting girders, walls or partitions ___________________
unless such joists are of sufficient size to carry the additional load.
A. 12 inches
B. 24 inches
C. more than twice the joist depth
D. more than the joist depth
D - more than the joist depth
2308.4.5 Joists supporting bearing
In assemblies used for structural fire resistance and fireresistance-rated construction, fire-protection-rated glazing is permitted in fire doors
having a __________ fire protection rating intended for installation in fire barriers,
where limited to 100 square inches.
A. 11/2-hour
B. 1-hour
C. 2-hour
D. 21/2-hour
A - 11/2-hour
716. Fire barriers.
In heavy timber construction, sawn or glued-laminated plank
floors may not extend closer than ___________ to walls. These ________ spaces
shall be covered by a molding fastened to the wall either above or below the floor
and arranged such that the molding will not obstruct the expansion or contraction
movements of the floor.
A. 1/2 inch, 1/2 inch
B. 1/4 inch, 1/4 inch
C. 1 inch, 1 inch
D. 3/4 inch, 3/4 inch
A - 1/2 inch, 1/2 inch
2304.11.3.2 Sawn or gluedlaminated plank floors.
A 6-mil polyethylene ___________________ with joints
lapped not less than 6 inches is required between the base course or subgrade
and the concrete floor slab, or other approved equivalent methods or materials
must be used to retard vapor transmission through the floor slab.
A. moisture barrier
B. seal
C. vapor retarder
D. ground cover
C - vapor retarder
1907.1 General.
In assemblies used for structural fire resistance and fireresistance-rated construction, fire walls are required to have sufficient structural
stability under fire conditions to _____________ construction on either side
without collapse of the wall for the duration of time indicated by the required fireresistance rating.
A. retard collapse of
B. totally support the
C. allow collapse of
D. brace the elements of
C - allow collapse of
706.2 Structural stability.
Foam plastic interior trim may not constitute more than
_________ of the specific wall or ceiling areas to which it is attached.
A. 2.5 percent
B. 5 percent
C. 10 percent
D. 15 percent
C - 10 percent
[F] 2604.2.3 Area limitation
Unsafe structures must be
______________________________________, as the building official deems
necessary and as provided for in this section. A vacant structure that is not
secured against entry shall be deemed unsafe.
A. imploded
B. immediately removed without exception
C. seized by the federal government and sold to the highest bidder.
D. taken down and removed or made safe
D - taken down and removed or
made safe
[A]116.1 Conditions.
The aggregate area of penthouses and other enclosed rooftop
structures may not exceed __________ the area of the supporting roof deck.
A. one-quarter
B. one-third
C. one-half
D. two-thirds
B - one-third
Section 1510 Rooftop Structures
1510.1.1 Area limitation.
Interior wall and ceiling finishes are classified in accordance
with NFPA 286 and these materials are grouped in the classes in accordance with
their _______________________________ indexes.
A. thickness and texture
B. flame spread and smoke-developed
C. modulus of elasticity
D. shear wall properties
B - flame spread and smokedeveloped
803.1.1 Interior wall and ceiling
finish materials.
In assemblies used for structural fire resistance and fireresistance-rated construction, where fire shutters of the rolling type are installed,
such shutters must include approved _________________ devices.
A. fire blocking system
B. smoke detection
C. automatic-closing
D. temperature triggering
C - automatic-closing
716.2.8 Rolling fire shutters.
In Type IV Construction interior walls and partitions with not
less than ____________________ or heavy timber complying with other areas of
the code is permitted.
A. 1/2 -hour fire-resistance rating
B. 1-hour fire-resistance rating
C. 2-hour fire-resistance rating
D. 2-1/2-hour fire-resistance rating
B - 1-hour fire-resistance rating
602.4 Type IV.
Appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the
building official relative to the application and interpretation of the code, are
handled by ____________________.
A. an oversight commission
B. a special investigation commission
C. a panel of independent inspectors
D. a board of appeals
D - a board of appeals
[A]113.1 General. Board of Appeals
The building official is authorized to issue a temporary
certificate of occupancy before the completion of the entire work covered by the
permit, provided that such portion or portions ________________________.
A. completely finished
B. approved by the owner, contractor and building official.
C. have no exposed electrical connections.
D. shall be occupied safely
D - shall be occupied safely
[A]111.3 Temporary occupancy.
Untreated wood is permitted to be used where such wood is
continuously and entirely below the ground-water level or submerged in fresh
A. This is a True statement
B. This is a False statement
A - This is a True statement
2304.12.3 Wood in contact with the
ground or freshwater. Exception
The minimum allowable thickness of reinforced gypsum
concrete is _____________ . Exceptions ignored.
A. 1-1/2 inches
B. 2 inches
C. 2-1/2 inches
D. 3 inches
B - 2 inches
2514.2 Minimum thickness.
Where wood structural panel sheathing is used as the
exposed finish on the exterior of outside walls, it must
A. be adequately painted
B. coated with 2 full coats of water seal
C. have an exterior exposure durability classification
D. not be considered as a structural component for load calculations
C - have an exterior exposure
durability classification
2304.6.1 Wood structural panel
Dead ends not exceeding a length equal to twice the width of
the mall measured at the narrowest location within the dead-end portion of the
mall are not required to be a minimum of 66 inches wide.
A. This statement is True for Covered Mall Buildings
B. This statement is False for Covered Mall Buildings
C. This statement is always False for Covered Mall Buildings
D. This statement is False for all commercial buildings
A - This statement is True for
Covered Mall Buildings
402.8.6 Access to exits. Exception:
No person may make connections from a utility, source of
energy, fuel or power to any building or system that is regulated by the code for
which a permit is required, _____________________________________
A. until released by the building official.
B. until released by the public utility.
C. until the contractor, electrician, plumber or other professional in charge
of the applicable utilization equipment approves.
D. until a reasonable person deems it to be safe.
A - until released by the
building official.
[A]112.1 Connection of service
What is the minimum thickness face-to-face required for a
wall constructed from solid sand-lightweight concrete to have a fire resistance
rating of 4 hours?
A. 8.3 inches
B. 5.4 inches
C. 4.2 inches
D. 3.0 inches
B - 5.4 inches
TABLE 721.1(3) Rated FireResistance Periods For Various
Walls And Partitions, Item number
Wood walls and bearing partitions may not support more than
__________ and a roof unless an analysis satisfactory to the building official
shows that shrinkage of the wood framing will not have adverse effects on the
structure or any plumbing, electrical or mechanical systems, or other equipment
installed therein due to excessive shrinkage or differential movements caused by
A. one floor
B. two floors
C. three floors
D. four floors
B - two floors
2304.3.3. Shrinkage.
The top surface of footings shall be level. The bottom surface
of footings shall be permitted to have a slope not exceeding one unit vertical in
_________ horizontal
A. 20 units
B. 5 units
C. 8 units
D. 10 units
D - 10 units
1809.3 Stepped footings.
What is the maximum allowable span for rafters of #1 Douglas
Fir-Larch 2X6s spaced 16 inches o.c. roof load = 20 psf, L/D = 180, dead load =
10 psf? Ceiling is not attached to the rafters.
A. 8 feet 4 inches
B. 12 feet 6 inches
C. 15 feet 4 inches
D. 16 feet 3 inches
C - 15 feet 4 inches
Table 2308.7.2(1) Rafter Spans For
Common Lumber Species
Table 2308.7.2(1) Rafter Spans For
Common Lumber Species
An opening that passes through an entire assembly.
A. through penetration
B. wall penetration
C. ceiling penetration
D. membrane penetration
A - through penetration
Chapter 2, Definitions.