Time Series Metrics Flashcards
Weak stationarity
If all joint moments up to n are time invariant. 1: mean, 2: autocovariance etc. Weak is mean and autocovariance stationary.
Strict stationarity
Fy=(yt,yt+1…yt+p)=F(ys,ys+1…) for all t and s. Follows exact same distribution at all points in time!
Check for AR stability
Lag polynomial (ignore constant) and roots out of unit circle
Serial correlation tests
Durbin-Watson (tests first order),
Breusch-Godfrey (more general)
Durbin Watson hypothesis
Test h0: φ=0, where et=φet-1+u.
Test if error yesterday and today are related
Unbiasedness condition
Strict exogeneity (often unlikely)
Consistency condition
Just contemporaneous exog
Weak dependence
Time dependence dies with time. Autocov to 0 as tau infinity
Asymptotic normality requires
Contemporaneous homo, no serial correlation, weak dependence, contemp exog
Autocovariance function
Or just depends on tau if we have covariance stationarity
Autocorrelation function
Corr so Con(Yt,Yt-tau)/(Root var of each)
This is autocov(tau)/autocov(0)
Draw as a correlogram
Test for white noise?
Q stats
Box Pierce Q stat
Check if first m autocorrelations are jointly 0.
From white noise test, T*Sum of 1 to m Autocorrelationhat (tau) squared ~a~ Chi squared 1.
Ljing Box Q stat
T(T+2)Sum of for all m 1/(T-tau) Autocorrelationhat (tau) squared ~a~ Chi squared m. Optimal m is roughly root T. Trade off of testing enough autocorrelations with not including poorly estimated ones!
Some weight on past realisations of Yt
Moving average (weighted) of past errors
Lag polynomial
Important! L^mYt=Yt-m
AR(1) properties
Mean =0
Var= Sigma^2 Sum of eta^2i
= sigma^2 / (1-eta^2). This is because it’s the sum of variances! Remember that it’s a square on the bottom when we take it out of the variance!
Check you can derive
AR(1) Autocov
Express in terms of errors and can get: eta^tau * Var(Yt)
When is AR(p) stable?
If all roots when solving the lagpolynomial are outside of the unit circle!
Moving average
Past shocks, not past observations
MA(1) properties
Mean=0, Var = (1+theta^2)sigma^2
If mod theta <1 influence of a shock down. Thus cov stationary and weakly dependant!
MA: Invertible?
If mod theta < 1. We can work out the values of shocks from observations!