Monetary Empirics Flashcards
Muth, 1961
Do we see ratex?
De Bondt and Bange, 1992: Random walk (adaptive) outperforms expectations pre 1979!
Dias, Duarte, Rua (2008): Consumers underpredict inflation consistently!
PIP original?
- does it hold?
Sargent and Wallace (1975)
Doesn’t hold. Mishkin (1982) rejects H0 of anticipated changes having no effect.
Aniticipated changes roughly 15-25% of fluctuations in medium term output!
Milani and Treadwell (2012)
Inflation bias
Barro Gordon Model, 1983
Empirics on inflation bias
Surico, 2008: Fed inflation bias of 0.8 to 1% 1960-79 disappears upon independence
Ireland, 1999: US data consistent with model!
Solution: Commitment
Orphanides and Williamson, 2005. No inflation bias, Var(Y) up as supported by Ceccheti and Ehrman, 2002.
In reality, this is generally flexible (Ball and Sheridan).
Solution: Delegation
- (Rogoff, 1985): Weightings on gaps.
- (Svensson, 1997): Lower inflation target
- (Blinder, 1997): Ystar = Ybar. CB independence means less influenced by politics so less inflation to overstate output potential (Haldane, 2000)
Reputation and inflation bias
Temptation to exploit PC is ‘illusory’ if repeated game (Howitt, 2001). Chooses to play SPNE (Briault et al,1996)
More long term/ repetitions of game if independent vs politicians
Incentive contracts
Walsh, 1995
Non credible (Bofinger, 2001): NZ CB not dismissed in 1995/6
Pros and cons of independence
Mishkin 2021
Avoid pol business cycle / PA problem for politicians
Coordination of MPFP issues and theory of bureaucratic behaviour
Issue with Quantity theory
V is procyclical (Gould and Nelson, 1974)
Inventory theory (Baumol, Tobin). Paid in bonds, which can be converted to cash.
Shows elasticity to be i =-1/2, Y = 1/2 by optimization , but in fact =0.86 and -0.022,
(Mark and Sul, 2003) of OECD countries
Money multiplier in history and GD
NB: This is also useful for evidence AGAINST RBC theory as it implies that non real shocks are important!
Generally fairly constant, although collapse in crises (esp when gov tries to exploit it)
Friedman and Schwartz (1963): Money multiplier collapse 3.7 to 2.3 contributed to GD!
UK interest rate corridor:
+- 25bp on iBR target.
Currently at 4.84%
Empirically disproven following financial crises 2 year, 10 year in Japan and Switzerland!
Secular stagnation
Low growth / I opportunities! Low interest rates are not some golden pill for investment
Dividend irrelevance?
Modigliani and Miller, 1958
Equity/ share more relevant!
Efficient markets?
Fama, 1970.
Weak, strong, semi-strong
LR mean reversion of stock prices
Fama and French 1988: Suggest 25-40% of price changes predictable
January/ small firm effect
Stocks rise the most in January (largely due to accounting / tax reasons, but this should be ‘priced in’)
Keim(1986) / Reinganum (1983)
Overreaction to news
De Bondt and Thaler, 1987: Bubble formation
Agents only collect info until MB = MC?
Grossman and Stiglitz, 1980
BB model
Bernanke Blinder, 1980
BB evidence
Credit channel is important! E.g. small firms are hurt more than large firms by contractionary MP (financial Eos) (asymmetric info is key)