Time Efficiency Flashcards
learn like your life depends on it
accuracy n. (ა-ქუ-რე-სი)
Precision; exactness (სიზუსტე)
example–The research department checks all our articles for the accuracy of facts
before we print them.
Usage tips–Accuracy is often followed by of.
Parts of speech–accurate adj(ე-ქუ-რეთ) , accurately adv(ა-ქუ-რეთ-ლი)
adjacent adj. (ე-ჯეი-სენთ)
Next to(მომიჯნავე, მოსაზღვრე, გვერდით)
example–Even though the villages are adjacent to each other, their residents
speak different languages.
Usage tips–Adjacent is often followed by to.
Parts of speech–adjacency n(ე-ჯეი-სენსი)__მეზობლობა
compress v.
To press together(მოჭერა, შეკუმშვა, კომპრესი)
example–To make the foundation stronger, they compressed the soil before
pouring the concrete.
Parts of speech–compression n, compressed ad
feasibly adv. (ფი-ზი-ბლი)
Practically; in a way that can work(ფაქტობრივად, შესაძლებლად, მოსალოდნელად)
example–Scientists can’t feasibly bring energy from deep ocean currents to where it is needed—on land.
Parts of speech–feasibility n(ვარგისობა, შესაძლებოლა, ალბათობა), feasible adj(შესრულებადი, განხორციელებადი)
gut v.
To empty or hollow out(დაცარიელება, გამოშიგვნა)
example– In order to remodel the house, we must first gut it and throw away
all the old fixtures.
Usage tips—Gut also means “the stomach of an animal”; this verb makes an image, that the inside of a building is like the inside of an animal.
Parts of speech—gut n, gutted adj(გამოშიგნული, დაცარიელებული)
integrally adv.
moral integrity–ზნესრულობა
Business Integrity–პატიოსნება ბიზნესში, პატიოსნება საქმიან ურთიერთობებში
Database integrity–მონაცემთა ბაზების მთლიანობა
In a whole or complete manner(განუყოფლად)
example–Writing and spelling are taught integrally as part of the reading
Parts of speech–integrate v(გაერთიანება) , integrity n(სამართლიანობა, ერთობა) , integral n, integral adj
overlap v.
To lie over part of something; to have elements in common(ემთხვეოდეს)
example–One of the two assistants will likely get fired, since most of their duties in the office overlap.
Parts of speech–overlap n
retain v.
To keep or hold(შენარშუნება, შეკავება)
example–The rain fell so heavily that the banks of the river(მდინარის ნაპირები) could not retain all the water.
Parts of speech–retainer n(დამჭერი) , retention n
seep v.
To pass slowly for a long time, as a liquid or gas might(გაჟონვა, გადენა)
example–As the containers rusted, the toxic waste seeped into the ground.
Usage tips–Seep is often followed by ‘‘into’’ or ‘‘through’’.
structure n.
Something constructed, such as a building(სტრუქტურა, აღნაგობა)
example–Most companies have a social structure that can’t be understood by
Parts of speech–structure v, structural adj, structurally adv