surgery Flashcards
anesthesia n. (ენეს-თი-ჟია)
anesthetic n. (ენეზ-თე-თიკ)
Techniques for reducing sensation and feeling, especially to control pain
example–The Civil War was the first American war when anesthesia was widely used in surgery on soldiers.
Usage tips–Anesthesia and anesthetic are often used interchangeably.
Parts of speech–anesthetic n, adj ( ტკივილგამაყუჩებელი)
augment v.(ოგ-მენთ)
To make it bigger or better by adding to(მომატება, გადიდება)
example1–In some types of popular cosmetic surgery, people augment parts of
their bodies.
example2–The college augmented its course offerings because students complained that there were too few choices.
Parts of speech–augmentation n(გაზრდა, ამაღლება-ტემპერატურის)
certifiably adv.
In a manner that is officially recognized(დამოწმებულად)
example–He couldn’t be institutionalized until he was declared certifiably insane.
Parts of speech–certify v, certification n(დამოწმება, დადასტურება), certificate n, certifiable adj(სერტიფიცირებადი)
complication n.
A factor that makes something more difficult or complex(გართულება, სირთულე)
example–The surgeons could not easily stop the bleeding because of complications related to the patient’s diabetes.
Parts of speech–complicate v
cure v.
To restore to health(განკურნება, წამალი)
example–They say laughter can help cure many illnesses.
Parts of speech–cure n
implant v.
To set in firmly; to insert in the body surgically(ჩასმა, დარგვა, იმპლანტი)
example–The actress had cheek implants to make her face look fuller.
Parts of speech–implantation n
inject v.
To insert a liquid utilizing a syringe–შპრიცი(შეყვანა სითხის)
example–The doctor used a needle to inject the medicine slowly into her arm.
Parts of speech–injection n
obese adj.(ო-ბის)
Excessively overweight(სიმსუქნით დაავადებული, მსუქანი)
example–More Americans are obese now because U.S. culture encourages overeating and discourages exercise.
Parts of speech–obesity n
procedure n.
A specific way of performing or doing something
example–The flight attendant explained the emergency evacuation
Parts of speech–proceed v, procedural adj
scar n.(იარა)
A mark on the skin left after a wound has healed; a lasting sign of damage, either mental or physical
example–The surgery was successful, but it left a large scar across her abdomen.
Parts of speech–scar v.