tides Flashcards
high tide
the gravitational pull on the water by the moon that creates a tidal bulge, the tide gets high when the sea or ocean is closer to the Moon
low tide
the withdrawal in areas away from the tidal bulge
tidal bulge
the distortion of water and earth in response to the combined gravitation effects of moon and sun, it is created due to centrifugal force
why 2 high tides and 2 low tides in 24 h
gravitational forces create one tidal bulge; centrifugal forces create the second tidal bulge on the opposite of planet from the first tidal bulge(opposite the moon)
- the earth and moon rotate around a common center of mass
- 2 tidal bulges are equal and opposite resulting in semi-diurnal tides
why are there mixed tides (not equal high, low tides)
earth has an inclination of 23.5 degrees
how later does each tide get each day? why?
50 minutes later, it takes 28 day for the moon to circle the earth which rotates once every 24 h
the form of moon’s orbit around the earth
what is perigee
the greater tidal range when the moon is closer to earth
the smaller tidal range when the moon is further away
what’s sun impact?
has a gravitational effect (it’s further from earth than the moon=> its effect is less
spring tides
also, high tides, when sun and moon are in line (full moon, new moon), a compound effect resulting in higher high tides and lower low tides
neap tides
tide after the first or third quarters of the moon when there is the least difference between high and low water
earth’s orbit around the sun
a greater tidal range when the earth is closer to the sun
smaller tidal range when the earth is further away from the sun
factors that influence tides (6)
landmasses- water must go around land or through narrow passages
tidal bore- a large wave caused by the funding of a flood tide as it enters a long, narrow, shallow inlet
barometric pressure- an increase in pressure can result in a decrease in tidal height
large output- from a river can increase tidal height
Coriolis effer
tidal energy
renewable hydro-power
turbines, dams, or with generators
conversion of kinetic or potential energy from water flow into electrical energy
Tidal energy is power produced by the surge of ocean waters during the rise and fall of tides. Tidal energy is a renewable source of energy.
tide pool
shallow pools of seawater that form on the rocky intertidal shore
Why is there variation in tidal heights/ranges over one year?
The earths orbit around the sun is elliptical
The tidal range is greater when the earth is closer to the sun (perihelion) and smaller when the earth is further away (aphelion)
how are tides predicted?
Predictions of tidal heights are made through a combination of theory and observation/measurement
Tide gauges and acoustic samplers are tools to track tides
what is chart datum?
the water level surface serving as origin of depths displayed on a nautical chart. A chart datum is generally derived from some tidal phase, in which case it is also known as a tidal datum
tidal barrage/dam
A tidal barrage is a dam-like structure used to capture the energy from masses of water moving in and out of a bay or river due to tidal forces
turbines spin and generate electricity