Kelp forests Flashcards
what kelp forms
kelp beds or kelp forests- dense aggregations of big
brown algae e.g. Pterygophora and Nereocystis
kelp morphology
- Blades
- Stipe
- Holdfast
- Pneumatocyst / floats
requirements for kelp growth (substrate, light, nutrients, temperature, water distance)
Substrate – hard, subtidal substrate (bedrock or big boulders)
Light – lots of light
Shallow water (20-30 m) so that light can reach young, growing kelp
Nutrients – lots of nutrients, especially nitrate, required for kelp growth Kelps also add nutrients (to this and other ecosystems) as they die and decompose
temperate waters (5-15oC)
location of kelp forests
Coastal, rocky reef areas of temperate oceans throughout the world
And in deep (30->60m) tropical waters?!
kelp growth limited by:
High temperatures and low nutrients
If nutrient concentrations are adequate, kelps can survive in temperatures up to 23°C
Physical structure formed by living organisms
Three-dimensional habitat with several vertical layers
Canopy forming species (e.g. Nereocystis, Macrocystis)
Understory species below the canopy – other algae,
invertebrates and fishes
Energy /
wave action
Nereocystis can tolerate high wave action & strong currents
– can stretch more than 38% of its length
Macrocystis prefers less energy/wave exposure & higher salinities
Plasticity of Nereocystis blades (& necks) depending on wave action
grazing impact on kelp
Herbivores can damage blades as well as stipes and holdfasts so that kelps are dislodged from substrate
Grazers include: Sea urchins (all 3 species) Abalone Snails Limpets Crabs Fishes
kelp is limited by competition
Competition can be for light, space and/or nutrients
Macrocystis can outcompete Nereocystis and will push Nereocystis into more wave-exposed areas
Both Macrocystis and Nereocystis can also be
outcompeted by other understory algal species (coralline algae, foliose red algae and other kelp species)
kelp on water flow
Kelp forests alter the abiotic environment by
dampening wave strength thereby influencing water flow and associated processes of sedimentation, recruitment, and productivity
sea/river otters
keystone species. Sea otters find all their food and shelter in kelp forests. the urchins would over populate the kelp forests
biological characteristics
biodiversity: high
biomass: high
what is productivity
rate of biomass
increase in a given area
kelp beds’ productivity?
are the most productive, but don’t occupy a lot of space(
kelp as a habitat (shelter, life, holdfast
Kelp forests provide shelter, food, and nursery grounds for many pelagic and benthic organisms
Some organisms live on the kelp – bryozoans, hydroids, barnacles, caprellid amphipods
Many organisms live within holdfasts – brittle stars, crabs, small abalone, annelid worms, peanut worms, fishes, snails
juvenile and adult fish, rockfish, use kelp forest as a refuge from predators
impact of kelp canopies (species light)
Canopies reduce light and create understory
conditions favorable for species adapted to low
light intensity
mermaid’s purse
an egg capsule for the developlment of catshark
impact of epiphytes grow on kelp
ulva- Shading the blades decreasing photosynthesis
At high concentrations, epiphytes can decrease the
buoyancy of the floats and cause kelp to sink
Increased drag with epiphytes may lead to dislodgement of kelp
human impacts
harvest of kelp for: - consumption agriculture (fertilizer) mariculture (food for abalone) -arts and craft
human impacts
overhaunting keystone species: otters, sea cow
climate change- more co2 and severe storm increase sea urchins popullation
conservation efforts:
No permits are required for personal, non-commercial harvest of kelp
Collection is prohibited in managed areas such as Ecological and Marine Reserves and Provincial and Federal Parks
In BC: For Nereocystis, blades may be cut no closer than 20cm from the pneumatocyst, and no harvest of the bulb or stipe is permitted
conservation policies
Protection of sea otters: SARA & IUCN
Rockfish conservation areas
Abalone captive breeding & re-introduction
DFO abalone closure
Monterey Bay Aquarium & UCSD kelp cam
nereocystis/macrocystis growth time
Nereocystis is an annual, Macrocystis is a perennial
what can happen during winter storms
During winter storms, wave action dislodges Nereocystis
how are tropical water surface nutrient-wise and what impact it has on kelp?
Because tropical surface waters are frequently
nutrient-poor and lack plankton, the water is very clear
Thus, deep-water zones in tropical regions can be euphotic (lots of light), with reasonable temperatures and adequate nutrient supply for kelp growth
what is euphotic and how it connects to kelp growth?
lots of light, photosynthesis
what nutrient specifically kelp needs for growth