TIA Section A - NAIC SSAPs - SSAP 5 Flashcards
definition of liabilities
3 characteristics
1️⃣ Present responsibility to transfer/use assets at a specified determinable date based on the occurrence of a specified event on demand
2️⃣ The entity has little or no discretion to avoid the responsibility
3️⃣ The transaction/event that obligates the entity has already occurred
Define loss contingency/asset impairment
An existing condition involving uncertainty as to possible loss that will ultimately be resolved when one or more future events occur or fail to occur
Two necessary criteria to charge a loss contingency/ asset impairment to operations
1️⃣ Information prior to financial statement issuance indicates that the assets has been impaired/liability incurred at the date of the financial statements
2️⃣ The amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated
How should management book the reserve if there is a range
🔸If an amount in the range is a better estimate, book that
🔹If no amount in the range is better, book the midpoint
How should management book the reserves if there is no range
The best estimate should be booked
Criteria to make a disclosure about loss contingency/ asset impairment
🔵 A contingency/asset impairment is not recorded because only one of the two conditions is met
🟢 There is an exposure to loss higher than the amount accrued
Two disclosures that need to be made regarding loss contingency/asset impairment
✔️ Nature of the contingency
✔️ Estimate of the possible loss or range of loss. Or a statement that such an estimate can not be made
Examples of disclosures for each joint and several liability arrangement
🏔 Nature of the agreement
🧾 Total outstanding amount under the arrangement
📃 Carrying amount of the insurers liability and carrying amount of the receivable recognized
🌲 Nature of any recourse provisions that would enable recovery from other entities of the amounts paid, including any limitations on the amounts that may be recovered
[Not in TIA Study:]
🔴 In the period where the liability was initially recognized and measured or the period in which the measurement changes significantly: the corresponding entry where entry was recorded in the financials