Thyroid Examination Flashcards
4 pieces of equipment needed?
Glass of water
Tendon hammer
Piece of paper
General inspection - Clinical signs:
Why do you look at weight?
Why do you look behaviour?
Why do you look at clothing?
What does a hoarse voice indicate?
Weight loss - hypo
Weight gain - hyper
Anxiety and hyperactivity - hyper
Depression - hypo
May be inappropriate for the current temperature.
Heat intolerance - hyper
Cold intolerance - hypo
Compression of the larynx or the nerve supplying it
General inspection - Objects and equipment:
Why do you look for mobility aids in hyperthyroidism?
They can develop proximal myopathy
Hands - Inspection:
What does the following suggest?
- Dry skin
- Excessive sweating
- Thyroid acropachy
- Oncycholysis
- Palmar erythema
Associated with hypothyroidism
Graves disease
Hyper - painfless detachment of the nail from the nail bed
Hyper, CLD and pregnancy
Hands - peripheral tremor:
What does tremor suggest?
How can this be tested?
- Ask the patient to stretch their arms out in front of them.
- Place a piece of paper across the back of the patient’s hands.
- Observe for evidence of a peripheral tremor (the paper will quiver).
Hands - Radial pulse:
How long should you measure the pulse for if irregular rhythm?
What is it associated with?
What does bradycardia suggest?
What does tachycardia suggest?
60 seconds
Hyper - AF
Face - General inspection:
What does the following suggest?
- Dry skin
- Excessive sweating
- Eyebrow loss
Hypothyroidism - they loss the outer third of their eyebrows - though this is rare
Eyes - inspection:
How do you look for lid retraction? Why does it occur?
How do you look or exophthalmos?
Why should you check the eye for inflammation?
If the sclera is visible above and below the iris
(Due to sympathetic hyperactivity causing excessive contraction of the superior tarsal and levator palpebrae superioris muscles).
Inspecting the eye from the front, the side and from above.
Due to lid retraction and exophthalmos, the eye is more prone to dryness and the development of conjunctival oedema (chemosis), conjunctivitis and in severe cases corneal ulceration.
Eyes - Tests:
Why do you test eye movements?
How do you test eye movements?
Ophthalmoplegia causes restricted eye movement, diplopia and pain during eye movement caused by Graves’ disease (lymphocytic infiltration of orbital fat, connective tissue and extraocular muscles)
H test - ask patient to report any double vision
Eyes - Tests:
How do you know if a patient has lid lag if you ask them to follow your finger downwards?
If lid lag is present, the upper eyelids will be observed lagging behind the eyes’ downward movement, with the sclera being visible between the upper lid margin and the corneal limbus.
Thyroid inspection:
Is the thyroid gland usually visible?
(1) Swallowing some water:
- What direction will a thyroid gland mass and thryoglossbal cyst move?
(2) Tongue protrusion:
- What direction will a thyroid gland mass move?
- What direction will a thryoglossbal cyst move?
Upwards with swallowing
Moves upwards
Doesn’t move at all
Thyroid palpation:
What can you get the patient to do to help distinguish between a cyst and a thyroid mass?
What does the wide spread irregularity of the thyroid suggest?
What does a palpable thrill suggest?
Where do you start palpation from?
Swallowing and tongue protrusion
Multinodular goitre
Graves diseases due to increased vascularity of the thyroid
Thyroid cartilage (“Adam’s apple”) with your fingers.
Move your fingers inferiorly until you reach the cricoid cartilage.
Thyroid palpation:
Why do thryoglossbal cysts rise during tongue protrusion?
Thyroglossal cysts are the most common congenital abnormality of the neck and arise as a result of the persistence of the thyroglossal duct. The thyroglossal duct is the tract by which the thyroid gland descends during embryological development to its final position in the front of the neck. The tongue is attached to the thyroglossal duct, which is why thyroglossal cysts rise during tongue protrusion.
Lymph node palpation:
What does enlargement indicate?
Assess for local lymphadenopathy which may indicate the metastatic spread of primary thyroid malignancy
What may a large goitre cause?
Percussion of the sternum:
To assess for retrosternal dullness.
Retrosternal dullness may indicate a large thyroid mass extending posteroinferiorly to the manubrium.
Ausculation of the thyroid gland:
Bell/diaphragm of stethoscope?
A bruit indicates increased vascularity, which typically occurs in Graves’ disease.
Further tests:
Reflexes are tested. Why?
What may be seen on the legs in graves disease?
Proximal myopathy is a potential complication of both multinodular goitre and Graves’ disease. Patients develop wasting of their proximal musculature causing difficulties in tasks such as standing from a sitting position.
How do test for this?
Reflexes are assessed to screen for hyporeflexia, which is associated with hypothyroidism.
Pretibial myxoedema
Ask the patient to stand from a sitting position with their arms crossed (to minimise their ability to mask proximal muscle weakness). Make sure to stand close to the patient to prevent them from falling. An inability to stand up would suggest proximal muscle weakness.