Thyroid Disease Flashcards
What are the 2 most common types of thyroid cancer?
Thyroid cancer is more common in males. True/False?
What aetiology has a strong association with thyroid cancer?
Radiation exposure
What is the main presenting complaint of thyroid cancer?
Palpable nodule in the neck
Follicular thyroid cancer is more common than papillary variant. True/False?
Papillary is most common
How do papillary and follicular thyroid cancer tend to spread respectively?
Lymphatics (also haematogenous)
Haematogenous (also lymphatic)
The incidence of follicular thyroid cancer are higher in people deficient of which chemical?
Lymphatic spread of follicular thyroid cancer is rare. True/False?
What is the main investigation for thyroid cancer?
TSH levels
Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration
Can do lymph node biopsy if spread
If the thyroid cancer lesion is greater than _cm, there is clinical prediction of malignancy
What are the main surgical techniques for thyroid cancer?
Lobectomy + isthmusectomy (uncommon)
Sub-total thyroidectomy
Total thyroidectomy (U3 or greater)
A 36 yr old man with thyroid cancer with no metastases is AMES high risk. True/False?
Low risk
All patients with metastases of thyroid cancer are AMES high risk. True/False?
What type of thyroid tumours may be treated by lobectomy?
Papillary micro-carcinoma
Minimally invasive follicular carcinoma
AMES low risk
Calcium is checked post-op for thyroid cancer. At what level of calcium is replacement initiated?
Less than 2 mmol/L
Why is iodine body scanning done for post-op thyroid cancer?
To detect residual cancer cells
How long before an iodine scan must T3 and T4 be stopped?
Stop T4 4 weeks prior
Stop T3 2 weeks prior
TSH must be elevated for an iodine scan. True/False?
What non-surgical technique can be used for thyroid cancer destruction following surgery?
Thyroid remnant ablation
Thyroid swellings move on swallowing. True/False?
Thyroglossal swellings move with the tongue. True/False?
Autoimmune thyroid disease is the commonest cause of hypo/hyper -thyroidism. True/False?
In hyperthyroidism, TSH levels are high. True/False?
TSH is low in hyperthyroidism, and high in hypothyroidism
Why is TSH low in hyperthyroidism?
Hyperthyroidism causes excess T4, so pituitary produces less TSH in order to try and compensate