Three types of experiments: Flashcards
Research methods
Think about hypothesis
What is an experminet?
An experiment is an investigation where the hypthothesis is sientfically tested. In an expeirment the IV is manipulated and the DV is measured; any extranous variables are controlled.
L…., F….. and N….
What are the three types of experiments?
- Labtory experiment
- Field experiment
- Natural experiment
What is a labtory experiment?
Where the experminter directly manipulates the in one or more IV and meausres effects on DV, within a controlled enviorment
Does nto need to be in a lab could eb in a school
.Conditions are highly controlled
.Uses a standardised procudre teh expermienter decides who teh particpants are, what happens, where and when.
What are the strengths of a labtory experminet?
- Easy to replicate because of its standardised proceudure
- Control over extrnous varible and control over teh IV can help to clearly define the cause and effect pf the results.
What are the weaknesses of a labtory experiment?
- Low ecological validity as teh task and setting tends to be artfical and so the behaviours from particpants may be unatural
- There may be demand charcteristics or expermienter effects may cause teh results to be bias and inaccurate
What is a field experiment?
Research that takes place in a natural enviroment, but the researcher still manipulsates on or more IV and measures effects on the DV.
What are teh strengths of a field experiment?
- High ecological validity becaus eteh setting is natural so can eaisly relate o real life an dparticpants are mor elikly to act mor enaturlly in a more natural enviorment.
- Deman charcteristcs may not have an impact as teh particapnts may nto know tehy are being studied making results more reliable
Filed expermeints may use covert observations
What is a weakness of a field expermient?
- Less control over extranous varibles which may make the results bias and inaccurtae. The study can be replicated easily.
What si a natural expeirment?
Research takes place in a natural enviomrent. the researchers does not directly manipulate the IV instead the researcher observes a naturlly occuring IV effect son the DV. This could be a situation or an event.
What is a strength of a natural expeirment?
- High ecological validity because the research take splace in a natural setting so can relate to real life
- Demand charteristic smay not have an effect as particpants may not be aware they are being studied.
- Can be sued in situation where it is ethically unaccaptable to manipulate the IV
What si a weakness of a natural experiment?
- Cna be mro epxpenive an dtime consuming
- No control oev rextranous vairbles making teh reuslt contain possibel bias and the research becomes increaisngly harder to replicate.