Extranous varibles Flashcards
What are the four types of extrnous varibles?
- Demand charcteristics
- Partcipant variables
- Expermineter varibles
- Situational varibles
What are demand charcteristics?
When teh partcipants change their behaviour based on what teh researcher wants.
This could be because of the surroundings, the researchers behviour and their own interpretation
What are particpnat variables?
- A part of teh particpants bacjground could effect the study
Like gender, age, eductaion, religon
How do you reduce particpnat varibles?
- Random allocation to the conditons of the IV
What are situational varibles?
Where conditions of the external enviorment can effetc the way that particpants behave.
Like weather, loctation, time, day/ night or noise
How do you control situation varibles?
- Use a standrasied proceure so all conditions are the same for all particpants.
What are experimenter varibles?
Where the researchers provides clues or ininfluences how teh particpants should behave affetcing teh particpnats actions.