Three Great Classic Tragic Playwrights...and Aristophanes Flashcards
What was Aeschylus known for?
he brought tragedy to its maturity, he has sevan extant plays, he introduced the second actor, reduced the size of the chorus and created a statutory tetralogy
What are some of Aeschylus’s sevan extant plays?
The Suppliants 490 BC, The Persians 472 BC, Seven Against Thebes 467 BC, Prometheus Bound 458-456 BC, Oresteria 458 BC (Agamemmnon, Libation Bearers, Eumenides), Proteus (satyr play for the Oresteria, lost)
What/How did Aescylus introduce the second actor?
the histrionic part became as important as the lyrcial, it enabled him to further develop the plot
What is the main theme in an Aeschylan Trilogy?
“sin provokes sin until justice asserts itself”
What was Euripides known for?
he was called “enfant terrible” (terrible child), he was the opposite of Aeschylus and Sophocles, was a realist who inlfuenced successive ages more than his predecessors
What are the characteristics of Euripides’s plays?
- less emphasis on chorus 2. introduction of the prologue 3. epilogue or deus ex machina 4. complicated plots 5. introduced realism into his plays 6. characterization
What are some of Euripides’s plays extant?
Alcestis 438 BC; Medea;Children of Heracles; Hippolytus (Phedre); Andromache; Hecuba; Heracles; Suppliants; Cyclops;Electra;Iphigenia in Tauris; Helen; Pheonician Women; Orestes; Bacchae: iphigenia in Aules; THe trojan Woman; Io
What are the different periods of comedy/evolution of comedy?
Old Comedy - Aristophanic Comedy - Middle COmedy - NEw Comedy
What is the structure of Aristophanic comedy?
- prologue 2. parados 3. agon 4. parabasis* 5. series of episodes
Prologue (arist. comedy)
characters present a fantastic idea
parados (arist. comedy)
first entrance of the chorus
agon (arist. comedy)
a conflict where ideas are debated back and forth
parabasis (arist. comedy)
unique to aristophanic comedy. a choral ode, direct address to the audience usually on a subject unrelated to the plays events
dramatic moments/scenes
What are some of the plays of Aristophanes?
the Acharnians 425bc, the knights 424 bc, the clouds 423bc, the wasps 422 bc, peace 421bc, lysistrata411bc, thesmophouzuzae 411BC, the frogs 405bc, ecclesiazuze 392 bc, plutus 388 bc
What were the plays included in Aeschylus’s “Oresteia”?
Agammemnon, Libation Bearers, Euminides
What was the “Oresteia” about?
“electra complex”, ELectra (daughter of Agamemmnon) plots to kill her mother and avenge her father, goads on her brother Orestes who she has do her evil bidding
What are some characteristics of anAeschylan trilogy?
each play is a complete unity, and a coherent part of a larger unity