Thorax- thoracic wall/pleural cavities Flashcards
Muscles of thoracic wall
External intercostal
Internal intercostal
Innermost intercostal
Transversus thoracis
Origin and insertio of subcostales
Internal surface of lower ribs to internal surface of second or third rib below
Origin and insertio of transversus thoracis
Inferior margin of 2-6th rib to inferior aspect of sternum, xiphoid and ribs 4-7
Innervation of muscles of thoracic wall
Intercostal nerves
Action of subcostales
May depress ribs
Action of transversus thoracis
Depress costal cartilages
Where do you find the vasculature in relation to ribs
Inferior border
Arterial supply of thoracic wall
Internal thoracic artery gives
- intercostal arteries
- superior gastric artery
- musculophrenic artery
Venous drainage of thoracic wall
Intercostal veins either into azygous, hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins or internal thoracic vein
Chest drain insertion site
Lat dorsi, Pec major, apex of axilla and horizontal line across nipple
Where is suprapleural membrane
Covers superior aspect of cervical pleura
Where is the root of the lung
Mediastinal pleura between T5-T7 reflects off mediastinum
Covers lymph, vessels, nerves
Structures at the hilum of the lungs
Anterior to posterior:
Pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins
Ribs levels of lungs mid-clavicular, mid-axillary, and posteriorly
Anterior: 6th rib
Mid-axillary: 8th rib
Posteriorly: 10th rib
Ribs levels of pleura mid-clavicular, mid-axillary, and posteriorly
mid-clavicular: 8th rib
mid-axillary 10th rib
posteriorly 12th rib
(2 spaces below the lungs)
Trachea vertebral level
C6 to T4/5 (sternal angle)
Bronchal tree from proximal to distal
Main bronchus
Lobular bronchus
Segmental bronchus (*10 segments each)
Innervation of lungs
Vagus- constricts bronchioles
Sympathetic- dilates bronchioles
Lymph drainage of lungs
Other lymphs drain into bronchomediastinal lymph nodes
Which drain into deep veins at the base of neck/thoracic duct/right lymphatic trunk
Subclavian artery branches
Internal thoracic
Dorsal scapular